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Redis PubSubサブスクライブメカニズムはどのように機能しますか?

    サルヴァトーレ/Redisの作成者はここでこれに答えました:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic / redis-db / R09u__3Jzfk

    All the complexity on the end is on the PUBLISH command, that performs
    an amount of work that is proportional to:
    a) The number of clients receiving the message.
    b) The number of clients subscribed to a pattern, even if they'll not
    match the message.
    This means that if you have N clients subscribed to 100000 different
    channels, everything will be super fast.
    If you have instead 10000 clients subscribed to the same channel,
    PUBLISH commands against this channel will be slow, and take maybe a
    few milliseconds (not sure about the actual time taken). Since we have
    to send the same message to everybody.

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