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    with date_time_range as (
      select to_date('10/10/2013 07:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') as date_start,
        to_date('10/10/2013 21:15', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') as date_end
      from dual
    time_slots as (
      select level as slot_num,
        dtr.date_start + (level - 1) * interval '15' minute as slot_start,
        dtr.date_start + level * interval '15' minute as slot_end
      from date_time_range dtr
      connect by level <= (dtr.date_end - dtr.date_start) * (24 * 4) -- 15-minutes
    select * from time_slots;

    これにより、指定した開始日と終了日の間に57の15分のスロットが与えられます。 date_time_rangeのCTE 厳密に必要というわけではありません。日付をtime_slotsに直接入力できます。 条件がありますが、それらを繰り返す必要があり、それによって障害点が発生する可能性があります(つまり、JDBCなどから同じ値を複数回バインドすることを意味します)。


    with date_time_range as (...),
    time_slots as (...),
    free_slots as (
      select c.classroom, ts.slot_num, ts.slot_start, ts.slot_end,
        lag(ts.slot_end) over (partition by c.classroom order by ts.slot_num)
          as lag_end,
        lead(ts.slot_start) over (partition by c.classroom order by ts.slot_num)
          as lead_start
      from time_slots ts
      cross join classrooms c
      left join occupied_classrooms oc on oc.classroom = c.classroom
        and not (oc.occupied_end <= ts.slot_start 
          or oc.occupied_start >= ts.slot_end)
      where oc.classroom is null
    select * from free_slots;


    with date_time_range as (...),
    time_slots as (...),
    free_slots as (...),
    free_slots_extended as (
      select fs.classroom, fs.slot_num,
        case when fs.lag_end is null or fs.lag_end != fs.slot_start
          then fs.slot_start end as slot_start,
        case when fs.lead_start is null or fs.lead_start != fs.slot_end
          then fs.slot_end end as slot_end
      from free_slots fs
    select * from free_slots_extended
    where (fse.slot_start is not null or fse.slot_end is not null);

    これで、12行になりました。 (外側のwhere 句は、エッジのみを考慮しているため、前のステップからミッドレンジである153スロットのうち141スロットすべてを削除します):

    --------- ---------- ---------------- ----------------
    A                  1 2013-10-10 07:00                  
    A                 12                  2013-10-10 10:00 
    A                 19 2013-10-10 11:30                  
    A                 57                  2013-10-10 21:15 
    B                  1 2013-10-10 07:00                  
    B                  9                  2013-10-10 09:15 
    B                 16 2013-10-10 10:45                  
    B                 30                  2013-10-10 14:30 
    B                 37 2013-10-10 16:00                  
    B                 57                  2013-10-10 21:15 
    C                  1 2013-10-10 07:00                  
    C                 57                  2013-10-10 21:15 


    select distinct fse.classroom,
      nvl(fse.slot_start, lag(fse.slot_start)
        over (partition by fse.classroom order by fse.slot_num)) as slot_start,
      nvl(fse.slot_end, lead(fse.slot_end)
        over (partition by fse.classroom order by fse.slot_num)) as slot_end
    from free_slots_extended fse
    where (fse.slot_start is not null or fse.slot_end is not null)


    with date_time_range as (
      select to_date('10/10/2013 07:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') as date_start,
        to_date('10/10/2013 21:15', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI') as date_end
      from dual
    time_slots as (
      select level as slot_num,
        dtr.date_start + (level - 1) * interval '15' minute as slot_start,
        dtr.date_start + level * interval '15' minute as slot_end
      from date_time_range dtr
      connect by level <= (dtr.date_end - dtr.date_start) * (24 * 4) -- 15-minutes
    free_slots as (
      select c.classroom, ts.slot_num, ts.slot_start, ts.slot_end,
        lag(ts.slot_end) over (partition by c.classroom order by ts.slot_num)
          as lag_end,
        lead(ts.slot_start) over (partition by c.classroom order by ts.slot_num)
          as lead_start
      from time_slots ts
      cross join classrooms c
      left join occupied_classrooms oc on oc.classroom = c.classroom
        and not (oc.occupied_end <= ts.slot_start
          or oc.occupied_start >= ts.slot_end)
      where oc.classroom is null
    free_slots_extended as (
      select fs.classroom, fs.slot_num,
        case when fs.lag_end is null or fs.lag_end != fs.slot_start
          then fs.slot_start end as slot_start,
        case when fs.lead_start is null or fs.lead_start != fs.slot_end
          then fs.slot_end end as slot_end
      from free_slots fs
    select distinct fse.classroom,
      nvl(fse.slot_start, lag(fse.slot_start)
        over (partition by fse.classroom order by fse.slot_num)) as slot_start,
      nvl(fse.slot_end, lead(fse.slot_end)
        over (partition by fse.classroom order by fse.slot_num)) as slot_end
    from free_slots_extended fse
    where (fse.slot_start is not null or fse.slot_end is not null)
    order by 1, 2;

    --------- ---------------- ----------------
    A         2013-10-10 07:00 2013-10-10 10:00 
    A         2013-10-10 11:30 2013-10-10 21:15 
    B         2013-10-10 07:00 2013-10-10 09:15 
    B         2013-10-10 10:45 2013-10-10 14:30 
    B         2013-10-10 16:00 2013-10-10 21:15 
    C         2013-10-10 07:00 2013-10-10 21:15 


    1. コマンドライン引数を使用してPostgreSQL.sqlファイルを実行します

    2. MySql:数字である2つの文字列を比較しますか?

    3. Postgresql-別のテーブルに一致しないテーブルのエントリを取得する方法

    4. Oracle Apex:結果を待機するときにプログレスバーを作成する