sql >> データベース >  >> RDS >> Oracle



    -- your test data  
    with data(val) as
     (select 'Width:10|7|20|45,Height:25|5|6|45,Length:35|6|3|4' from dual),
    -- split by ,
    cols as
     (select regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level) val
        from (select val as str from data)
      connect by regexp_substr((select val as str from data),
                               level) is not null),
    -- split by :
    hdr_and_cols as
     (select substr(val, 1, instr(val, ':') - 1) as hdr,
             substr(val, instr(val, ':') + 1) as val
        from cols),
    -- split by |
    hdr_lvl_vals as
     (select distinct x.hdr,
                      level as entry,
                      regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) as val
        from hdr_and_cols x
      connect by regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) is not null)
    select * from hdr_lvl_vals;


    hdr     entry   value
    Height  1       25
    Height  2       5
    Height  3       6
    Height  4       45
    Length  1       35
    Length  2       6
    Length  3       3
    Length  4       4
    Width   1       10
    Width   2       7
    Width   3       20
    Width   4       45


    -- your test data  
    with data(val) as
     (select 'Width:10|7|20|45,Height:25|5|6|45,Length:35|6|3|4' from dual),
    -- split by ,
    cols as
     (select regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level) val
        from (select val as str from data)
      connect by regexp_substr((select val as str from data),
                               level) is not null),
    -- split by :
    hdr_and_cols as
     (select substr(val, 1, instr(val, ':') - 1) as hdr,
             substr(val, instr(val, ':') + 1) as val
        from cols),
    -- split by |
    hdr_lvl_vals as
     (select distinct x.hdr,
                      level as entry,
                      regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) as val
        from hdr_and_cols x
      connect by regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) is not null)
    -- format output
    select w.val as width, h.val as heigth, l.val as length
      from (select entry, val from hdr_lvl_vals where hdr = 'Width') w,
           (select entry, val from hdr_lvl_vals where hdr = 'Height') h,
           (select entry, val from hdr_lvl_vals where hdr = 'Length') l,
           (select level as entry
              from dual
            connect by level <= (select max(entry) from hdr_lvl_vals)) r
     where r.entry = w.entry
       and r.entry = h.entry
       and r.entry = l.entry;


    10      25      35
    7       5       6
    20      6       3
    45      45      4

    1. 外部のWebサイト運営者が自分のサイトにリンクするための画像トラックバックを作成する

    2. 以前の入力に基づいてデータベースから入力値を取得します

    3. ubuntuARMHFでmySQLトリガーWHITOUTsys_execを使用して外部スクリプトを呼び出す

    4. インデックスの一部ではない外部キーの列に関するAndroidRoomのコンパイル時の警告。どういう意味ですか?