sql >> データベース >  >> RDS >> Mysql





    adminフォルダー内のposts.phpファイルとadmin/includesフォルダー内のpost_functions.phpの2つのファイルを作成します。 posts.phpファイルには、データベースから取得したすべての投稿が表形式で一覧表示されます。post_functions.phpには、データベースからのクエリやposts.phpファイルへの返送などの操作を実行する関数が含まれています。


    <?php  include('../config.php'); ?>
    <?php  include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/admin_functions.php'); ?>
    <?php  include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/post_functions.php'); ?>
    <?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/head_section.php'); ?>
    <!-- Get all admin posts from DB -->
    <?php $posts = getAllPosts(); ?>
    	<title>Admin | Manage Posts</title>
    	<!-- admin navbar -->
    	<?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/navbar.php') ?>
    	<div class="container content">
    		<!-- Left side menu -->
    		<?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/menu.php') ?>
    		<!-- Display records from DB-->
    		<div class="table-div"  style="width: 80%;">
    			<!-- Display notification message -->
    			<?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/includes/messages.php') ?>
    			<?php if (empty($posts)): ?>
    				<h1 style="text-align: center; margin-top: 20px;">No posts in the database.</h1>
    			<?php else: ?>
    				<table class="table">
    						<!-- Only Admin can publish/unpublish post -->
    						<?php if ($_SESSION['user']['role'] == "Admin"): ?>
    						<?php endif ?>
    					<?php foreach ($posts as $key => $post): ?>
    							<td><?php echo $key + 1; ?></td>
    							<td><?php echo $post['author']; ?></td>
    								<a 	target="_blank"
    								href="<?php echo BASE_URL . 'single_post.php?post-slug=' . $post['slug'] ?>">
    									<?php echo $post['title']; ?>	
    							<td><?php echo $post['views']; ?></td>
    							<!-- Only Admin can publish/unpublish post -->
    							<?php if ($_SESSION['user']['role'] == "Admin" ): ?>
    								<?php if ($post['published'] == true): ?>
    									<a class="fa fa-check btn unpublish"
    										href="posts.php?unpublish=<?php echo $post['id'] ?>">
    								<?php else: ?>
    									<a class="fa fa-times btn publish"
    										href="posts.php?publish=<?php echo $post['id'] ?>">
    								<?php endif ?>
    							<?php endif ?>
    								<a class="fa fa-pencil btn edit"
    									href="create_post.php?edit-post=<?php echo $post['id'] ?>">
    								<a  class="fa fa-trash btn delete" 
    									href="create_post.php?delete-post=<?php echo $post['id'] ?>">
    					<?php endforeach ?>
    			<?php endif ?>
    		<!-- // Display records from DB -->



    // Post variables
    $post_id = 0;
    $isEditingPost = false;
    $published = 0;
    $title = "";
    $post_slug = "";
    $body = "";
    $featured_image = "";
    $post_topic = "";
    /* - - - - - - - - - - 
    -  Post functions
    - - - - - - - - - - -*/
    // get all posts from DB
    function getAllPosts()
    	global $conn;
    	// Admin can view all posts
    	// Author can only view their posts
    	if ($_SESSION['user']['role'] == "Admin") {
    		$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts";
    	} elseif ($_SESSION['user']['role'] == "Author") {
    		$user_id = $_SESSION['user']['id'];
    		$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE user_id=$user_id";
    	$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
    	$posts = mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
    	$final_posts = array();
    	foreach ($posts as $post) {
    		$post['author'] = getPostAuthorById($post['user_id']);
    		array_push($final_posts, $post);
    	return $final_posts;
    // get the author/username of a post
    function getPostAuthorById($user_id)
    	global $conn;
    	$sql = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE id=$user_id";
    	$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
    	if ($result) {
    		// return username
    		return mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)['username'];
    	} else {
    		return null;




    この時点で、データベースに投稿を照会し、表形式で一覧表示することができます。実際に投稿を作成するためのフォームを提供しましょう。 adminフォルダ内にcreate_post.phpファイルを作成し、このコードを貼り付けます:

    complete-blog-php / admin / create_post.php:

    <?php  include('../config.php'); ?>
    <?php  include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/admin_functions.php'); ?>
    <?php  include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/post_functions.php'); ?>
    <?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/head_section.php'); ?>
    <!-- Get all topics -->
    <?php $topics = getAllTopics();	?>
    	<title>Admin | Create Post</title>
    	<!-- admin navbar -->
    	<?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/navbar.php') ?>
    	<div class="container content">
    		<!-- Left side menu -->
    		<?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/admin/includes/menu.php') ?>
    		<!-- Middle form - to create and edit  -->
    		<div class="action create-post-div">
    			<h1 class="page-title">Create/Edit Post</h1>
    			<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo BASE_URL . 'admin/create_post.php'; ?>" >
    				<!-- validation errors for the form -->
    				<?php include(ROOT_PATH . '/includes/errors.php') ?>
    				<!-- if editing post, the id is required to identify that post -->
    				<?php if ($isEditingPost === true): ?>
    					<input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="<?php echo $post_id; ?>">
    				<?php endif ?>
    				<input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" placeholder="Title">
    				<label style="float: left; margin: 5px auto 5px;">Featured image</label>
    				<input type="file" name="featured_image" >
    				<textarea name="body" id="body" cols="30" rows="10"><?php echo $body; ?></textarea>
    				<select name="topic_id">
    					<option value="" selected disabled>Choose topic</option>
    					<?php foreach ($topics as $topic): ?>
    						<option value="<?php echo $topic['id']; ?>">
    							<?php echo $topic['name']; ?>
    					<?php endforeach ?>
    				<!-- Only admin users can view publish input field -->
    				<?php if ($_SESSION['user']['role'] == "Admin"): ?>
    					<!-- display checkbox according to whether post has been published or not -->
    					<?php if ($published == true): ?>
    						<label for="publish">
    							<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="publish" checked="checked">&nbsp;
    					<?php else: ?>
    						<label for="publish">
    							<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="publish">&nbsp;
    					<?php endif ?>
    				<?php endif ?>
    				<!-- if editing post, display the update button instead of create button -->
    				<?php if ($isEditingPost === true): ?> 
    					<button type="submit" class="btn" name="update_post">UPDATE</button>
    				<?php else: ?>
    					<button type="submit" class="btn" name="create_post">Save Post</button>
    				<?php endif ?>
    		<!-- // Middle form - to create and edit -->



    1. CKEditorソーススクリプトを含める必要があります(head_section.phpファイルですでに行ったように)
    2. textareaがあり、それにIDを指定する必要があります(この場合のように、id ="body"と言います)
    3. 最後に、このスクリプトを使用してtextareaを初期化する必要があります(create_post.phpで行ったように):


    同じフォームを使用して投稿を作成および編集します。現在残っているのは、投稿の作成、編集、更新、削除を担当する関数を作成することです。 post_functions.phpでそれを行います。 post_functions.phpを開き、これらの関数とifステートメントを追加します。

    complete-blog-php / admin / contains / post_functions.php:

    /* - - - - - - - - - - 
    -  Post actions
    - - - - - - - - - - -*/
    // if user clicks the create post button
    if (isset($_POST['create_post'])) { createPost($_POST); }
    // if user clicks the Edit post button
    if (isset($_GET['edit-post'])) {
    	$isEditingPost = true;
    	$post_id = $_GET['edit-post'];
    // if user clicks the update post button
    if (isset($_POST['update_post'])) {
    // if user clicks the Delete post button
    if (isset($_GET['delete-post'])) {
    	$post_id = $_GET['delete-post'];
    /* - - - - - - - - - - 
    -  Post functions
    - - - - - - - - - - -*/
    function createPost($request_values)
    		global $conn, $errors, $title, $featured_image, $topic_id, $body, $published;
    		$title = esc($request_values['title']);
    		$body = htmlentities(esc($request_values['body']));
    		if (isset($request_values['topic_id'])) {
    			$topic_id = esc($request_values['topic_id']);
    		if (isset($request_values['publish'])) {
    			$published = esc($request_values['publish']);
    		// create slug: if title is "The Storm Is Over", return "the-storm-is-over" as slug
    		$post_slug = makeSlug($title);
    		// validate form
    		if (empty($title)) { array_push($errors, "Post title is required"); }
    		if (empty($body)) { array_push($errors, "Post body is required"); }
    		if (empty($topic_id)) { array_push($errors, "Post topic is required"); }
    		// Get image name
    	  	$featured_image = $_FILES['featured_image']['name'];
    	  	if (empty($featured_image)) { array_push($errors, "Featured image is required"); }
    	  	// image file directory
    	  	$target = "../static/images/" . basename($featured_image);
    	  	if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['featured_image']['tmp_name'], $target)) {
    	  		array_push($errors, "Failed to upload image. Please check file settings for your server");
    		// Ensure that no post is saved twice. 
    		$post_check_query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE slug='$post_slug' LIMIT 1";
    		$result = mysqli_query($conn, $post_check_query);
    		if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) { // if post exists
    			array_push($errors, "A post already exists with that title.");
    		// create post if there are no errors in the form
    		if (count($errors) == 0) {
    			$query = "INSERT INTO posts (user_id, title, slug, image, body, published, created_at, updated_at) VALUES(1, '$title', '$post_slug', '$featured_image', '$body', $published, now(), now())";
    			if(mysqli_query($conn, $query)){ // if post created successfully
    				$inserted_post_id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);
    				// create relationship between post and topic
    				$sql = "INSERT INTO post_topic (post_id, topic_id) VALUES($inserted_post_id, $topic_id)";
    				mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
    				$_SESSION['message'] = "Post created successfully";
    				header('location: posts.php');
    	/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    	* - Takes post id as parameter
    	* - Fetches the post from database
    	* - sets post fields on form for editing
    	* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
    	function editPost($role_id)
    		global $conn, $title, $post_slug, $body, $published, $isEditingPost, $post_id;
    		$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id=$role_id LIMIT 1";
    		$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
    		$post = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
    		// set form values on the form to be updated
    		$title = $post['title'];
    		$body = $post['body'];
    		$published = $post['published'];
    	function updatePost($request_values)
    		global $conn, $errors, $post_id, $title, $featured_image, $topic_id, $body, $published;
    		$title = esc($request_values['title']);
    		$body = esc($request_values['body']);
    		$post_id = esc($request_values['post_id']);
    		if (isset($request_values['topic_id'])) {
    			$topic_id = esc($request_values['topic_id']);
    		// create slug: if title is "The Storm Is Over", return "the-storm-is-over" as slug
    		$post_slug = makeSlug($title);
    		if (empty($title)) { array_push($errors, "Post title is required"); }
    		if (empty($body)) { array_push($errors, "Post body is required"); }
    		// if new featured image has been provided
    		if (isset($_POST['featured_image'])) {
    			// Get image name
    		  	$featured_image = $_FILES['featured_image']['name'];
    		  	// image file directory
    		  	$target = "../static/images/" . basename($featured_image);
    		  	if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['featured_image']['tmp_name'], $target)) {
    		  		array_push($errors, "Failed to upload image. Please check file settings for your server");
    		// register topic if there are no errors in the form
    		if (count($errors) == 0) {
    			$query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title', slug='$post_slug', views=0, image='$featured_image', body='$body', published=$published, updated_at=now() WHERE id=$post_id";
    			// attach topic to post on post_topic table
    			if(mysqli_query($conn, $query)){ // if post created successfully
    				if (isset($topic_id)) {
    					$inserted_post_id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);
    					// create relationship between post and topic
    					$sql = "INSERT INTO post_topic (post_id, topic_id) VALUES($inserted_post_id, $topic_id)";
    					mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
    					$_SESSION['message'] = "Post created successfully";
    					header('location: posts.php');
    			$_SESSION['message'] = "Post updated successfully";
    			header('location: posts.php');
    	// delete blog post
    	function deletePost($post_id)
    		global $conn;
    		$sql = "DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=$post_id";
    		if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
    			$_SESSION['message'] = "Post successfully deleted";
    			header("location: posts.php");



    // if user clicks the publish post button
    if (isset($_GET['publish']) || isset($_GET['unpublish'])) {
    	$message = "";
    	if (isset($_GET['publish'])) {
    		$message = "Post published successfully";
    		$post_id = $_GET['publish'];
    	} else if (isset($_GET['unpublish'])) {
    		$message = "Post successfully unpublished";
    		$post_id = $_GET['unpublish'];
    	togglePublishPost($post_id, $message);
    // delete blog post
    function togglePublishPost($post_id, $message)
    	global $conn;
    	$sql = "UPDATE posts SET published=!published WHERE id=$post_id";
    	if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
    		$_SESSION['message'] = $message;
    		header("location: posts.php");






    1. phpMyAdminのユーザー'root'@'localhost'のアクセスが拒否された問題を修正

    2. パフォーマンスチューニング迷路

    3. SQL Serverデータベース(T-SQL)にログファイルを追加する方法

    4. OrderBy句を使用したMySQLでの並べ替え