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    SELECT DISTINCT costlayer.qty AS Qty, costlayer.orgqty, costlayer.orgtotalcost,
    costlayer.totalcost AS TotalCost, costlayer.datecreated AS DateCreated,
    part.num AS PartNumber, part.description as PartDescription, asaccount.name as "InventoryAccount",
    company.name AS company, currency.symbol
    FROM CostLayer
    LEFT JOIN Part ON part.id = costlayer.partid
    LEFT JOIN Tag ON part.id = tag.partId
    LEFT JOIN Location ON tag.locationId = location.id
    LEFT JOIN LocationGroup ON location.locationGroupId = locationGroup.id
    LEFT JOIN asaccount ON part.inventoryaccountid = asaccount.id
    JOIN company ON company.id = 1
    LEFT JOIN currency ON currency.homeCurrency = 1
    WHERE costlayer.datecreated BETWEEN $P{dateRange1} AND $P{dateRange2}
    AND costlayer.statusid IN ($P!{ckShowActiveCostingLayers},$P!{ckShowFulfilledCostingLayers},$P!{ckShowVoidedCostingLayers})
    AND UPPER(part.num) LIKE UPPER($P{partNum})
    AND (UPPER(COALESCE(asaccount.name,'')) LIKE UPPER('%' || $P{AssetAccount} || '%'))
    AND LocationGroup.id LIKE $P{locationGroupID}
    ORDER BY (CASE WHEN $P{AssetAccount} NOT LIKE CAST('%' AS varchar(256)) THEN asaccount.name ELSE part.num END), part.num ASC, costlayer.id, costlayer.datecreated

    1. 選択リストのエイリアスとしてPostgresキーワードを使用できますか?

    2. MySQLデータベースの名前を変更します

    3. SQLクエリをどのように管理しますか

    4. Postgresでのみ関数のバックアップを取る方法