詳細h2> - 最初にフラットファイル接続マネージャーを追加します。
- フラットファイル接続マネージャーで、[詳細設定]タブに移動し、すべての列を削除して、1つの列のみを保持します(Column0) 。
- 列の種類をDT_WSTRに、長さを4000に変更します。
Dataflow task
を追加します Dataflow task
の内部 フラットファイルソース、スクリプトコンポーネント、およびOLEDB宛先を追加します。 - スクリプトコンポーネントを開き、[入力/出力]タブに移動して、8つの出力列を追加します(Distributer_Code、Cust_code、cust_name、cust_add、zip、tel、dl_number、gstin)
- スクリプト言語をVisualBasicに変更します。
Dim Distributer_Code as integer = -1
Dim Cust_code as integer = -1
Dim cust_name as integer = -1
Dim cust_add as integer = -1
Dim zip as integer = -1
Dim tel as integer = -1
Dim dl_number as integer = -1
Dim gstin as integer = -1
Dim intRowIndex as integer = 0
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If intRowIndex = 0 then
Dim strfields() as string = Row.Column0.split(CChar("|"))
Dim idx as integer = 0
For idx = 0 To strFields.length - 1
Select case str
Case "Distributer_Code"
Distributer_Code = idx
Case "Cust_code"
Cust_code = idx
Case "cust_name"
cust_name = idx
Case "cust_add"
cust_add = idx
Case "zip"
zip = idx
Case "tel"
tel = idx
Case "dl_number"
dl_number = idx
Case "gstin"
gstin = idx
End Select
Dim strfields() as string = Row.Column0.split(CChar("|"))
If Distributer_Code > -1 Then Row.DistributerCode = strfields(Distributer_Code)
If Cust_code > -1 Then Row.Custcode = strfields(Cust_code)
If cust_name > -1 Then Row.custname = strfields(cust_name)
If cust_add > -1 Then Row.custadd = strfields(cust_add)
If zip > -1 Then Row.zip = strfields(zip)
If tel > -1 Then Row.tel = strfields(tel)
If dl_number > -1 Then Row.dlnumber = strfields(dl_number)
If gstin > -1 Then Row.gstin = strfields(gstin)
End If
intRowIndex += 1
End Sub
Dataflow task
を追加します Dataflow task
の内部 フラットファイルソース、スクリプトコンポーネント、およびOLEDB宛先を追加します。スクリプト内に次のコードを記述します。
Dim Distributer_Code as integer = -1
Dim Cust_code as integer = -1
Dim cust_name as integer = -1
Dim cust_add as integer = -1
Dim zip as integer = -1
Dim tel as integer = -1
Dim dl_number as integer = -1
Dim gstin as integer = -1
Dim intRowIndex as integer = 0
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If intRowIndex = 0 then
Dim strfields() as string = Row.Column0.split(CChar("|"))
Dim idx as integer = 0
For idx = 0 To strFields.length - 1
Select case str
Case "Distributer_Code"
Distributer_Code = idx
Case "Cust_code"
Cust_code = idx
Case "cust_name"
cust_name = idx
Case "cust_add"
cust_add = idx
Case "zip"
zip = idx
Case "tel"
tel = idx
Case "dl_number"
dl_number = idx
Case "gstin"
gstin = idx
End Select
Dim strfields() as string = Row.Column0.split(CChar("|"))
If Distributer_Code > -1 Then Row.DistributerCode = strfields(Distributer_Code)
If Cust_code > -1 Then Row.Custcode = strfields(Cust_code)
If cust_name > -1 Then Row.custname = strfields(cust_name)
If cust_add > -1 Then Row.custadd = strfields(cust_add)
If zip > -1 Then Row.zip = strfields(zip)
If tel > -1 Then Row.tel = strfields(tel)
If dl_number > -1 Then Row.dlnumber = strfields(dl_number)
If gstin > -1 Then Row.gstin = strfields(gstin)
End If
intRowIndex += 1
End Sub