declare @T table ( ID int, Type varchar(30), SubType varchar(30), SubSubType varchar(30) ) insert into @T values (1, 'Product Documentation', 'Brochures', 'Functional Brochures'), (2, 'Product Documentation', 'Brochures', 'Fliers'), (3, 'Product Documentation', 'Data Sheets and Catalogs', 'Data Sheets'), (4, 'Product Documentation', 'Data Sheets and Catalogs', 'Catalogs'), (5, 'Other Documentation', 'Other classification', 'User Guides') select T1.Type as '@Name', ( select T2.SubType as '@Name', ( select T3.SubSubType as '@Name' from @T as T3 where T3.SubType = T2.SubType and T3.Type = T1.Type for xml path('SubSubType'), type ) from @T as T2 where T2.Type = T1.Type group by T2.SubType for xml path('SubType'), type ) from @T as T1 group by Type for xml path('Type'), root('AllTypes')