次のように、出力ステートメントで update を使用できます。
use tempdb go if object_id('Tokens', 'u') is not null drop table Tokens if object_id('GetNextToken', 'p') is not null drop procedure GetNextToken go create table Tokens ( Id int identity(1,1) not null, Name varchar(50) not null, TokenFrom int not null, TokenTo int not null, LastUsedToken int null, constraint PK_Tokens primary key clustered (Id), constraint UQ_Tokens_Name unique (Name) ) go insert into Tokens (Name, TokenFrom, TokenTo) select 'Ladies Section', 1, 50 union select 'Customer Care', 51, 350 union select 'Registration Section', 351, 550 union select 'Normal Customers', 551, 999 go create procedure GetNextToken @name varchar(50), @token int output as begin declare @tokens table (token int) update Tokens set LastUsedToken = case when LastUsedToken is null then TokenFrom when LastUsedToken = TokenTo then TokenFrom else LastUsedToken + 1 end output inserted.LastUsedToken into @tokens where Name = @name set @token = (select top 1 token from @tokens) end go -- To get 'Ladies Section' declare @name varchar(50), @token int set @name = 'Ladies Section' exec GetNextToken @name, @token output select @token go -- To get 'Customer Care' declare @name varchar(50), @token int set @name = 'Customer Care' exec GetNextToken @name, @token output select @token go -- To get 'Registration Section' declare @name varchar(50), @token int set @name = 'Registration Section' exec GetNextToken @name, @token output select @token go -- To get 'Normal Customers' declare @name varchar(50), @token int set @name = 'Normal Customers' exec GetNextToken @name, @token output select @token