sql >> データベース >  >> RDS >> Sqlserver



    Declare @YourTable table ([Event] varchar(100),[Start] DateTime,[End] DateTime, [Tag] varchar(25))
     Insert Into @YourTable values
     ('10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:44','9/9/16 10:48','Big'),
     ('10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:44','9/9/16 10:49','Big'),
     ('10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:50','9/9/16 10:51','Small'),
     ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 12:51','4/4/16 13:58','Big'),
     ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:04','4/4/16 14:29','Small'),
     ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:51','4/4/16 14:58','Big'),
     ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 15:04','4/4/16 15:29','Small'),
     ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4-4-16 15:45','4-4-16 15:55','Big'),
     ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002W 11-PSV-401002D','4/4/16 16:04','4/4/16 16:45','Big');
     Select [Event]
      ,[Tag_new] = case when Tag = 'Big'
                                        and Lead(Tag,1,'') over (Partition By Event
                                                                Order By Start
                                        = 'Small'
                                    then 'Small'
                                    else tag
      ,[Tag_new2] = case when (Tag = 'Big'
                                and lag(Tag,1,'') over  (Partition By Event
                                                            Order By Start
                                    = 'Small'
                                and Lead(Tag,1,'') over (Partition By Event
                                                            Order By Start
                                    = 'Small'
                            or (Tag = 'Small'
                                and lag(Tag,2,'') over  (Partition By Event
                                                        Order By Start
                                    = 'Small'
                                and lag(Tag,1,'') over  (Partition By Event
                                                        Order By Start
                                    = 'Big'
                        then 'Small2'
                        else case when Tag = 'Big'
                                        and Lead(Tag,1,'') over (Partition By Event
                                                                Order By Start
                                        = 'Small'
                                    then 'Small'
                                    else tag
      From  @YourTable;

    更新に応じて、ステージング テーブルにいくつかの列を追加できると仮定して:

    Declare @YourTable table (EventRN int, StartRN int, MaxStartRN int, [Event] varchar(100),[Start] DateTime,[End] DateTime, [Tag] varchar(25), [TagNext] varchar(25))
     Insert Into @YourTable values
     (null,null,null,'10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:44','9/9/16 10:49','Big',null),
     (null,null,null,'10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:50','9/9/16 10:51','Small',null),
     (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 12:51','4/4/16 13:58','Big',null),
     (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:04','4/4/16 14:29','Small',null),
     (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:51','4/4/16 14:58','Big',null),
     (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 15:04','4/4/16 15:29','Small',null),
     (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 15:30','4/4/16 15:32','Small',null),
     (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4-4-16 15:45','4-4-16 15:55','Big',null),
     (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002W 11-PSV-401002D','4/4/16 16:04','4/4/16 16:45','Big',null);
    update t
    set EventRN = tt.EventRN
        ,StartRN = tt.StartRN
        ,MaxStartRN = tt.MaxStartRN
        ,TagNext = tt.TagNext
    from @YourTable t
        inner join (
                  select dense_rank() over (order by Event
                                            ) as EventRN
                        ,row_number() over (partition by Event
                                            order by Start
                                            ) as StartRN
                        ,count(1) over (partition by Event) as MaxStartRN
                        ,lead(Tag,1,null) over (partition by Event
                                                            order by Start
                            as TagNext
                  from @YourTable
                  ) tt
            on(t.[Event] = tt.[Event]
                and t.[Start] = tt.[Start]
                and t.[End] = tt.[End]
                and t.Tag = tt.Tag
    with cte as
        select EventRN
            ,cast(null as varchar(25)) as TagPrev
            ,case when TagNext = 'Small'
                            then TagNext
                            else Tag
                            end as TagNew
        from @YourTable
        where EventRN = 1
            and StartRN = 1
        union all
        select t.EventRN
            ,case when t.EventRN = c.EventRN then c.Tag else null end as TagPrev
            ,case when t.EventRN = c.EventRN and c.Tag = 'Small' and t.Tag = 'Big' and t.TagNext = 'Small'
                    or t.EventRN = c.EventRN and c.TagNew = 'Small2' and t.Tag = 'Small'
                then 'Small2'
                else case when t.TagNext = 'Small'
                            then t.TagNext
                            else t.Tag
        from cte c
            inner join @YourTable t
                on((c.StartRN < c.MaxStartRN
                    and t.EventRN = c.EventRN
                    and t.StartRN = c.StartRN+1
                    or (c.StartRN = c.MaxStartRN
                        and t.EventRN = c.EventRN+1
                        and t.StartRN = 1
    select [Event]
    from cte
    order by Event

    1. django ORMでpostgresqlウィンドウ関数を使用するクリーンな方法は?

    2. SQL を使用してサブカテゴリを表示する

    3. データベースに保存した後、CreateViewのself.objectにIDがないのはなぜですか?

    4. ssis スクリプト コンポーネントにサード パーティの dll 参照を追加する