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    SELECT a
         , sum(ab_ct)::int AS ct_total
         , count(*)::int   AS ct_distinct_b
         , array_agg(b || ', ' || ab_ct::text) AS b_arr
    FROM  (
        SELECT a, b, count(*) AS ab_ct
        FROM   tbl
        GROUP  BY a, b
        ORDER  BY a, ab_ct DESC, b  -- append "b" to break ties in the count
        ) t
    GROUP  BY a
    ORDER  BY ct_total DESC;


    • ct_totalbの総数 aごと 。
    • ct_distinct_b :個別のbの数 aごと 。
    • b_arrbの配列 プラスbの頻度 、bの頻度で並べ替え 。

    bの総数で並べ替え aごと 。

    または、 ORDER BYを使用することもできます。 集約呼び出し内の句 PostgreSQL9.0以降。いいね:

    SELECT a
         , sum(ab_ct)::int AS ct_total
         , count(*)::int   AS ct_distinct_b
         , array_agg(b || ', ' || ab_ct::text ORDER BY a, ab_ct DESC, b) AS b_arr
    FROM  (
        SELECT a, b, count(*) AS ab_ct
        FROM   tbl
        GROUP  BY a, b
        ) t
    GROUP  BY a
    ORDER  BY ct_total DESC;


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