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    ファイルsails/lib/hooks/blueprints/actionUtil.jsを開きます 、編集メソッドpopulateEach 以下のように:

    populateEach: function ( query, req ) {
        var DEFAULT_POPULATE_LIMIT = sails.config.blueprints.defaultLimit || 30;
        var _options = req.options;
        var aliasFilter = req.param('populate');
        var shouldPopulate = _options.populate;
        // Convert the string representation of the filter list to an Array. We
        // need this to provide flexibility in the request param. This way both
        // list string representations are supported:
        //   /model?populate=alias1,alias2,alias3
        //   /model?populate=[alias1,alias2,alias3]
        if (typeof aliasFilter === 'string') {
            aliasFilter = aliasFilter.replace(/\[|\]/g, '');
            aliasFilter = (aliasFilter) ? aliasFilter.split(',') : [];
        return _(_options.associations).reduce(function populateEachAssociation (query, association) {        
            // If an alias filter was provided, override the blueprint config.
            if (aliasFilter) {
                shouldPopulate = _.contains(aliasFilter, association.alias);
            // Only populate associations if a population filter has been supplied
            // with the request or if `populate` is set within the blueprint config.
            // Population filters will override any value stored in the config.
            // Additionally, allow an object to be specified, where the key is the
            // name of the association attribute, and value is true/false
            // (true to populate, false to not)
            if (shouldPopulate) {
                // IMPORTANT NOTE: This is my trick. We should take advanced options from request parameter to make requests even more flexible
                var populationOptions = req.param('populate_' + association.alias);
                if (!populationOptions) {
                    var populationLimit = _options['populate_' + association.alias+'_limit'] ||
                                          _options.populate_limit ||
                                          _options.limit ||
                    populationOptions = {limit: populationLimit};
                return query.populate(association.alias, populationOptions);
            else { 
                return query;
        }, query);


    # POST /api/documents
        "where" : {
            // Normal conditions
        "populate_user": {
            // Advanced condition for association 'admin'
            "where" : {
                "role" : {
                     "like": "%Admin%"
            "limit" : 4    


    P / S:SailsJSコアは非常によくできています。おそらくコアコミッターは忙しすぎてすべての機能要求を処理できません。貢献しましょう!

    1. LIKEを使用したMYSQLクエリで機能しない2つの単語と空白

    2. Microsoft Windows 2008Server64ビットへのOracle10ODP.NETのインストール

    3. ANDとORの組み合わせに関するMySqlクエリ

    4. PostgreSQL:Unixエポックから現在までに変換する方法は?