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SQL SELECTステートメントでパッケージ定数を使用するにはどうすればよいですか?



    SQL> create package my_constants_pkg
      2  as
      3    max_number constant number(2) := 42;
      4  end my_constants_pkg;
      5  /
    Package created.
    SQL> with t as
      2  ( select 10 x from dual union all
      3    select 50 from dual
      4  )
      5  select x
      6    from t
      7   where x < my_constants_pkg.max_number
      8  /
     where x < my_constants_pkg.max_number
    ERROR at line 7:
    ORA-06553: PLS-221: 'MAX_NUMBER' is not a procedure or is undefined


    SQL> create or replace package my_constants_pkg
      2  as
      3    function max_number return number;
      4  end my_constants_pkg;
      5  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create package body my_constants_pkg
      2  as
      3    cn_max_number constant number(2) := 42
      4    ;
      5    function max_number return number
      6    is
      7    begin
      8      return cn_max_number;
      9    end max_number
     10    ;
     11  end my_constants_pkg;
     12  /
    Package body created.


    SQL> with t as
      2  ( select 10 x from dual union all
      3    select 50 from dual
      4  )
      5  select x
      6    from t
      7   where x < my_constants_pkg.max_number()
      8  /
    1 row selected.

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