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      sample_data (id, feature) as (
        select 1,  1 from dual union all
        select 1,  2 from dual union all
        select 1,  3 from dual union all
        select 2,  3 from dual union all
        select 2,  4 from dual union all
        select 2,  6 from dual union all
        select 3,  5 from dual union all
        select 3, 10 from dual union all
        select 3, 12 from dual union all
        select 4, 12 from dual union all
        select 4, 18 from dual union all
        select 5, 10 from dual union all
        select 5, 30 from dual union all
        select 6, 40 from dual
    -- select * from sample_data; /*
    , initial_rel(id_base, id_linked) as (
        select distinct s1.id, s2.id
          from sample_data s1 join sample_data s2
                              on s1.feature = s2.feature and s1.id <= s2.id
    -- select * from initial_rel; /*
    select     id_linked as id, min(connect_by_root(id_base)) as id_group
    from       initial_rel
    start with id_base <= id_linked
    connect by nocycle prior id_linked = id_base and id_base < id_linked
    group by   id_linked
    order by   id_group, id


         ID   ID_GROUP
    ------- ----------
          1          1
          2          1
          3          3
          4          3
          5          3
          6          6


    1. SQLServerのメンテナンスプランを使用してバックアップとメンテナンスのジョブを自動化する

    2. SQLクエリで(func())。*構文を使用して複数の関数評価を回避するにはどうすればよいですか?

    3. パッケージオラクル内のすべての手順のリストを取得する方法

    4. Oracleでテーブルv$parameterが見つかりません