まず、結合の削除は、特定の特定の状況(PK-PK、PK-FKなど)でのみ機能します。 LEFT JOIN
ができるのは一般的なことではありません 結合キー値ごとに1つの行を返し、Oracleに結合を削除させる任意の行セットに。
第2に、Oracleが十分に進んでいて、LEFT JOIN
で参加を排除したとしても 結合キー値ごとに1行しか取得されないことがわかっていた場合、OracleはLEFT JOINS
での結合の削除をまだサポートしていません。 複合キーに基づいています(Oracleサポートドキュメント887553.1には、これはR12.2で提供されると記載されています)。
の最後の行を含むビューを具体化することです。 。次に、LEFT JOIN
create table product(
product_id number not null
,constraint product_pk primary key(product_id)
create table product_color(
product_id number not null references product
,color varchar2(10) not null
,constraint product_color_pk primary key(product_id)
create table product_price(
product_id number not null references product
,from_date date not null
,price number not null
,constraint product_price_pk primary key (product_id, from_date )
-- Add a VIRTUAL column to PRODUCT_PRICE so that we can get all the data for
-- the latest row by taking the MAX() of this column.
alter table product_price add ( sortable_row varchar2(80) generated always as ( lpad(product_id,10,'0') || to_char(from_date,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') || lpad(price,10,'0')) virtual not null );
-- Create a MV snapshot so we can materialize a view having only the latest
-- row for each product_id and can refresh that MV fast on commit.
create materialized view log on product_price with sequence, primary key, rowid ( price ) including new values;
-- Create the MV
create materialized view product_price_latest refresh fast on commit enable query rewrite as
SELECT product_id, max( lpad(product_id,10,'0') || to_char(from_date,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') || lpad(price,10,'0')) sortable_row
FROM product_price
GROUP BY product_id;
-- Create a primary key on the MV, so we can do join elimination
alter table product_price_latest add constraint ppl_pk primary key ( product_id );
-- Insert the OP's test data
insert into product values(1);
insert into product values(2);
insert into product values(3);
insert into product values(4);
insert into product_color values(1, 'Red');
insert into product_color values(2, 'Green');
insert into product_price ( product_id, from_date, price ) values(1, date '2016-01-01', 10 );
insert into product_price ( product_id, from_date, price) values(1, date '2016-02-01', 8);
insert into product_price ( product_id, from_date, price) values(1, date '2016-05-01', 5);
insert into product_price ( product_id, from_date, price) values(2, date '2016-02-01', 5);
insert into product_price ( product_id, from_date, price) values(4, date '2016-01-01', 10);
-- Create the 5NF view using the materialized view
create or replace view product_5nf as
select p.product_id
,to_date(substr(ppl.sortable_row,11,14),'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') from_date
,to_number(substr(ppl.sortable_row,25)) price
from product p
left join product_color pc on pc.product_id = p.product_id
left join product_price_latest ppl on ppl.product_id = p.product_id
-- The plan for this should not include any of the unnecessary tables.
select product_id from product_5nf;
-- Check the plan
FROM TABLE (DBMS_XPLAN.display_cursor (null, null,
| Id | Operation | Name | E-Rows |