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    create table t1 (group_id varchar2(20), value varchar2(20));
    create table t2 (group_id varchar2(20), value varchar2(20));
    insert into t1 values ('A','FOO');
    insert into t1 values ('A','BAR');
    insert into t1 values ('X','HHH');
    insert into t1 values ('X','ZOO');
    insert into t2 values ('C','FOO');
    insert into t2 values ('C','BAR');
    insert into t2 values ('B','ZOO');
    select t1.group_id t1_group,t2.group_id t2_group, 
          --t1.all_val, t2.all_val, 
           case when t1.all_val = t2.all_val then 'match' else 'no match' end coll_match
      (select 'T1' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val, 
              min(value) min_val, max(value) max_val, count(distinct value) cnt_val 
      from t1 group by group_id) t1
    full outer join
      (select 'T2' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val, 
              min(value) min_val, max(value) max_val, count(distinct value) cnt_val 
      from t2 group by group_id) t2
    on t1.min_val = t2.min_val and t1.max_val = t2.max_val and t1.cnt_val = t2.cnt_val



    select t1_group
      select t1.group_id t1_group,t2.group_id t2_group, 
            --t1.all_val, t2.all_val, 
             case when t1.all_val = t2.all_val then 'match' end coll_match
        (select 'T1' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
        from t1 group by group_id) t1
      cross join
        (select 'T2' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
        from t2 group by group_id) t2
    group by t1_group
    having min(coll_match) is null
    select t2_group
      select t1.group_id t1_group,t2.group_id t2_group, 
            --t1.all_val, t2.all_val, 
             case when t1.all_val = t2.all_val then 'match' end coll_match
        (select 'T1' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
        from t1 group by group_id) t1
      cross join
        (select 'T2' tab_id, group_id, collect(value) all_val
        from t2 group by group_id) t2
    group by t2_group
    having min(coll_match) is null

    1. スペースを含むOracleテーブルの列名

    2. aspサーバーエラー'ファイルまたはアセンブリを読み込めませんでした'が、アセンブリは確実に存在します。

    3. MySQLの主キー

    4. 更新時のSQLエラー:UPDATEステートメントがFOREIGNKEY制約と競合していました