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    私が以下で行ったこと、そしてそれはあなたが示したように「165と4280」ではなく「264と4280」をリンクします。 262は290とペアになっているため、264が成功のMINである4280と一致するMINになります。要件をさらに明確にできる場合は、クエリを微調整できます。

      with w_start as (
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:29','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 262 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:31','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 264 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:45','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 278 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:50','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 285 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:04','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 165 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:06','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2167') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:16','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2180') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:26','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 2190') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:11','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 8767') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 16:48:20','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 878 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 19:02:52','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('start 687 ') msg from dual union all
               select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 22:02:52','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('start 501 ') msg from dual union all
               select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 23:10:40','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_start, to_date('05/14/2014','mm-dd-yyyy') dt, 'abcd' jobid, rtrim('start 200 ') msg from dual 
         w_success as (
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:02:52', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 290  ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 10:09:32', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 4280 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:15', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8774 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:18', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8777 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:19', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8778 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 11:45:25', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 8784 ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 16:48:22', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 880  ') msg from dual union all
               select 1234 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 19:03:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'abc' jobid, rtrim('successful 699  ') msg from dual union all
               select 5678 id1, to_date('05/14/2014 22:03:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/14/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('successful 250  ') msg from dual union all
               select 5678 id1, to_date('05/19/2014 14:00:16', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') t_end, to_date('05/19/2014', 'mm/dd/yyyy') dt, 'pqr' jobid, rtrim('successful 400  ') msg from dual 
         w_sub1 as (
               select id1, jobid, dt, t_start, msg,
                        row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid
                                          order by t_start ) l1
                 from w_start
         w_sub2 as (
               select id1, jobid, dt, t_end, msg,
                        row_number() over (partition by id1, jobid
                                          order by t_end ) l2
                 from w_success
      select nvl(a.id1,b.id1) id1, nvl(a.jobid, b.jobid) jobid, nvl(a.dt, b.dt) dt, 
               t_start, t_end, 
               a.msg, b.msg, l1, l2
        from w_sub1  a
            FULL OUTER JOIN w_sub2  b
               ON a.id1      = b.id1
              and a.jobid    = b.jobid
              and a.dt       = b.dt
              and a.l1       = b.l2
       order by 1, 4, 5, 2
             ID1 JOBI DT                   T_START              T_END                MSG        MSG                     L1         L2
      ---------- ---- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------- ----------
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:29 14-may-2014 10:02:52 start 262  successful 290           1          1
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:31 14-may-2014 10:09:32 start 264  successful 4280          2          2
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:45 14-may-2014 11:45:15 start 278  successful 8774          3          3
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:02:50 14-may-2014 11:45:18 start 285  successful 8777          4          4
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:04 14-may-2014 11:45:19 start 165  successful 8778          5          5
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:06 14-may-2014 11:45:25 start 2167 successful 8784          6          6
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:16 14-may-2014 16:48:22 start 2180 successful 880           7          7
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 10:09:26 14-may-2014 19:03:00 start 2190 successful 699           8          8
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 11:45:11                      start 8767                          9
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 16:48:20                      start 878                          10
            1234 abc  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 19:02:52                      start 687                          11
            5678 pqr  14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 22:02:52 14-may-2014 22:03:00 start 501  successful 250           1          1
            5678 abcd 14-may-2014 00:00:00 14-may-2014 23:10:40                      start 200                           1
            5678 pqr  19-may-2014 00:00:00                      19-may-2014 14:00:16            successful 400                      2
      14 rows selected.

    1. SQL結合の究極のガイド:内部結合–パート1

    2. SQLServer2005のデータをExcelに転送またはエクスポートするにはどうすればよいですか

    3. Postgres 9.4からラージオブジェクトデータをダンプし、それをPostgres8.xにインポートするにはどうすればよいですか?

    4. MySQLとInnoDB:COUNTの使用を回避する方法は?