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    regexpsplit を使用したソリューションに基づく 次のクエリを実行できます。


     with t1 as (select 1 rn, 'Orcl, orcl, linux box, Pass, tablespace_name1, tablespace_name2' col from dual union all
                  select 2 rn, 'Orcl2, orcl2, linux box2, Pass2, tablespace_name12, tablespace_name22' col from dual),
          t2 as (select  rownum colnum from dual connect by level <= 6 /* (max) number of columns */)
     select t1.rn, t2.colnum, rtrim(ltrim(regexp_substr(t1.col,'[^,]+', 1, t2.colnum)))  col  from t1, t2 
     where regexp_substr(t1.col, '[^,]+', 1, t2.colnum) is not null
     order by rn,colnum;


        RN     COLNUM COL                                                                 
     ----- ---------- ------------------ 
         1          1 Orcl                                                                  
         1          2 orcl                                                                  
         1          3 linux box                                                             
         1          4 Pass                                                                  
         1          5 tablespace_name1                                                      
         1          6 tablespace_name2                                                      
         2          1 Orcl2                                                                 
         2          2 orcl2                                                                 
         2          3 linux box2                                                            
         2          4 Pass2                                                                 
         2          5 tablespace_name12                                                     
         2          6 tablespace_name22  


     with t1 as (select 1 rn, 'Orcl, orcl, linux box, Pass, tablespace_name1, tablespace_name2' col from dual union all
                  select 2 rn, 'Orcl2, orcl2, linux box2, Pass2, tablespace_name12, tablespace_name22' col from dual),
          t2 as (select  rownum colnum from dual connect by level <= 6 /* (max) number of columns */),
          t3 as (select t1.rn, t2.colnum, rtrim(ltrim(regexp_substr(t1.col,'[^,]+', 1, t2.colnum)))  col  from t1, t2 
          where regexp_substr(t1.col, '[^,]+', 1, t2.colnum) is not null)
     select * from t3
     PIVOT (max(col) col  for (colnum) in 
     (1 as "1",
      2 as "2",
      3 as "3",
      4 as "4",
      5 as "5",
      6 as "6"))
     order by rn;
        RN 1_COL     2_COL     3_COL     4_COL     5_COL              6_COL   
     ----- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------          ---------
         1 Orcl      orcl      linux box Pass      tablespace_name1   tablespace_name2 
         2 Orcl2     orcl2     linux box2Pass2     tablespace_name12  tablespace_name22  


    1. タイプorg.postgresql.util.PGobjectの受信オブジェクト

    2. SQLでの順序付けされていない結果

    3. MariaDBでデータベース照合を取得する4つの方法

    4. Oracle集合演算子