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    // Changed the query - there's no need for DISTINCT
    // and aliased the count as "num"
    $data = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(`users_id`) AS num FROM `users_table`') or die(mysql_error());
    // A COUNT query will always return 1 row
    // (unless it fails, in which case we die above)
    // Use fetch_assoc for a nice associative array - much easier to use
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data);
    // Get the number of uses from the array
    // 'num' is what we aliased the column as above
    $numUsers = $row['num'];

    1. テーブル式の基礎、パート4 –派生テーブル、最適化の考慮事項、続き

    2. SQL Server(T-SQL)でユーザー定義データ型の名前を変更する

    3. C#からOracleプロシージャに配列を渡す

    4. MySQLで今日からレコードを取得する方法