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割引コードシステムの作成(MySQL / php)


     class ProductDiscount {
        * Create a NEW discount code and return the instance of
        * @param $code string      the discount code
        * @param $discount float   price adjustment in % (ex:        
        * @param $options array    (optional) an array of options :
        *                            'expire'   => timestamp    (optional)
        *                            'limited'  => int          (optional)
        * @return ProductDiscount                         
       static public function create($code, $discount, $options = NULL);
        * This essentially validate the code, and return the instance of the
        * discount if the code exists. The method returns null if the discount 
        * is not valid for any reason. If an instance is returned, to apply
        * the discount, one should invoke the "consume()" method of the instance.
        * @param $code string
        * @return ProductDiscount|null
       static public function validate($code);
       private $_code;     // string
       private $_discount; // float
       private $_expire;   // unix timestamp (see time()) or null if unlimited
       private $_count;    // int or null if unlimited
       private function __construct();
       public function getCode();      // return string
       public function getDiscount();  // return float
       public function isLimited();    // return bool; true if $_count || $_expire is not null
       public function getCount();     // returns int; how many of this discount is left or null if unlimited
       public function getExpireDate();// returns int (unix timestamp) or null if unlimited
       public function consume();      // apply this discount now
       public function consumeAll();   // invalidate this discount for future use


    code VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL                   -- (Indexed, unique)
    discount UNSIGNED INT(3) NOT NULL           -- percent value 0..100
    expire DATETIME DEFAULT NULL                -- unlimited by default
    count INT(10) DEFAULT 1                     -- can be NULL

    注: 検証プロセスは、単純なSELECTである可能性があります ステートメント:

    SELECT * 
      FROM tblproductdiscount
     WHERE code = {$code}                  -- $code = mysql_real_escape_string($code)
       AND (count IS NULL OR count > 0)
       AND (expire IS NULL or expire > NOW())


    if (!empty($discountCode)) {
       $discount = ProductDiscount::validate($discountCode);
       if ($discount !== null) {
          $price *= (1 - $discount->getDiscount());


    1. OracleD2kFormsでPLSQLコードのパフォーマンスを調整またはテストする方法

    2. LEFT JOINを使用してクエリを実行すると、カウントが0の行が返されません。

    3. ISAM MySQLテーブルの主キーとしてのCHAR()またはVARCHAR()?

    4. さまざまなソースからアイテムを選択し、日付で注文します