sql >> データベース >  >> RDS >> Mysql



    // QueryBuilder Grammar:
    // =====================
    // SearchRule       := SimpleSearchRule { KeyWord }
    // SimpleSearchRule := Expression | SimpleSearchRule { 'OR' Expression }
    // Expression       := SimpleExpression | Expression { 'AND' SimpleExpression }
    // SimpleExpression := '(' SimpleSearchRule ')' | FieldExpression
    $input = 'from:me AND (to:john OR to:jenny) dinner party';
    $fieldMapping = array(
        'id' => 'id',
        'from' => 'from',
        'to' => 'to',
        'title' => 'title',
        'description' => 'description',
        'time_created' => 'time_created'
    $fullTextFields = array('title','description');
    $qb = new QueryBuilder($fieldMapping, $fullTextFields);
    try {
        echo $qb->parseSearchRule($input);
    } catch(Exception $error) {
        echo 'Error occurred while parsing search query: <br/>'.$error->getMessage();
    class Token {
        const   KEYWORD = 'KEYWORD',
        public $type;
        public $chars;
        public $position;
        function __construct($type,$chars,$position) {
            $this->type = $type;
            $this->chars = $chars;
            $this->position = $position;
        function __toString() {
            return 'Token[ type='.$this->type.', chars='.$this->chars.', position='.$this->position.' ]';
    class Tokenizer {
        private $tokens = array();
        private $input;
        private $currentPosition;
        function __construct($input) {
            $this->input = trim($input);
            $this->currentPosition = 0;
         * @return Token
        function getToken() {
            if(count($this->tokens)==0) {
                $token = $this->nextToken();
                if($token==null) {
                    return null;
                array_push($this->tokens, $token);
            return $this->tokens[0];
        function consumeToken() {
            $token = $this->getToken();
            if($token==null) {
                return null;
            return $token;
        protected function nextToken() {
            $reservedCharacters = '\:\s\(\)';
            $fieldExpr = '/^([^'.$reservedCharacters.']+)\:([^'.$reservedCharacters.']+)/';
            $keyWord = '/^([^'.$reservedCharacters.']+)/';
            $andOperator = '/^AND\s/';
            $orOperator = '/^OR\s/';
            // Remove whitespaces ..
            $whiteSpaces = '/^\s+/';
            $remaining = substr($this->input,$this->currentPosition);
            if(preg_match($whiteSpaces, $remaining, $matches)) {
                $this->currentPosition += strlen($matches[0]);
                $remaining = substr($this->input,$this->currentPosition);
            if($remaining=='') {
                return null;
            switch(substr($remaining,0,1)) {
                case '(':
                    return new Token(Token::OPEN_PAR,'(',$this->currentPosition++);
                case ')':
                    return new Token(Token::CLOSE_PAR,')',$this->currentPosition++);
            if(preg_match($fieldExpr, $remaining, $matches)) {
                $token = new Token(Token::FIELD, $matches[0], $this->currentPosition);
                $this->currentPosition += strlen($matches[0]);
            } else if(preg_match($andOperator, $remaining, $matches)) {
                $token = new Token(Token::AND_OP, 'AND', $this->currentPosition);
                $this->currentPosition += 3;
            } else if(preg_match($orOperator, $remaining, $matches)) {
                $token = new Token(Token::OR_OP, 'OR', $this->currentPosition);
                $this->currentPosition += 2;
            } else if(preg_match($keyWord, $remaining, $matches)) {
                $token = new Token(Token::KEYWORD, $matches[0], $this->currentPosition);
                $this->currentPosition += strlen($matches[0]);
            } else throw new Exception('Unable to tokenize: '.$remaining);
            return $token;
    class QueryBuilder {
        private $fieldMapping;
        private $fulltextFields;
        function __construct($fieldMapping, $fulltextFields) {
            $this->fieldMapping = $fieldMapping;
            $this->fulltextFields = $fulltextFields;
        function parseSearchRule($input) {
            $t = new Tokenizer($input);
            $token = $t->getToken();
            if($token==null) {
                return '';
            $token = $t->getToken();
            if($token->type!=Token::KEYWORD) {
                $searchRule = $this->parseSimpleSearchRule($t);
            } else {
                $searchRule = '';
            $keywords = '';
            while($token = $t->consumeToken()) {
                if($token->type!=Token::KEYWORD) {
                    throw new Exception('Only keywords allowed at end of search rule.');
                if($keywords!='') {
                    $keywords .= ' ';
                $keywords .= $token->chars;
            if($keywords!='') {
                $matchClause = 'MATCH (`'.(implode('`,`',$this->fulltextFields)).'`) AGAINST (';
                $keywords = $matchClause.'\''.mysql_real_escape_string($keywords).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
                if($searchRule=='') {
                    $searchRule = $keywords;
                } else {
                    $searchRule = '('.$searchRule.') AND ('.$keywords.')';
            return $searchRule;
        protected function parseSimpleSearchRule(Tokenizer $t) {
            $expressions = array();
            do {
                $repeat = false;
                $expressions[] = $this->parseExpression($t);
                $token = $t->getToken();
                if($token->type==Token::OR_OP) {
                    $repeat = true;
            } while($repeat);
            return implode(' OR ', $expressions);
        protected function parseExpression(Tokenizer $t) {
            $expressions = array();
            do {
                $repeat = false;
                $expressions[] = $this->parseSimpleExpression($t);
                $token = $t->getToken();
                if($token->type==Token::AND_OP) {
                    $repeat = true;
            } while($repeat);
            return implode(' AND ', $expressions);
        protected function parseSimpleExpression(Tokenizer $t) {
            $token = $t->consumeToken();
            if($token->type==Token::OPEN_PAR) {
                $spr = $this->parseSimpleSearchRule($t);
                $token = $t->consumeToken();
                if($token==null || $token->type!=Token::CLOSE_PAR) {
                    throw new Exception('Expected closing parenthesis, found: '.$token->chars);
                return '('.$spr.')';
            } else if($token->type==Token::FIELD) {
                $fieldVal = explode(':', $token->chars,2);
                if(isset($this->fieldMapping[$fieldVal[0]])) {
                    return '`'.$this->fieldMapping[$fieldVal[0]].'` = \''.mysql_real_escape_string($fieldVal[1]).'\'';
                throw new Exception('Unknown field selected: '.$token->chars);
            } else {
                throw new Exception('Expected opening parenthesis or field-expression, found: '.$token->chars);


    1. データガードがあるときにフラッシュバックする方法

    2. MySQLは特定の値で列をカウントします

    3. Windows 10アップデート1803の後、ネットワーク共有から実行しているときにプログラムがソケットを開くことができません

    4. Node.jsでのSQLインジェクションの防止