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    $languagesToUpdate = array();
    // this is an example, you should modify as your script:
    // create a variable/constant to make sure you update only allowed fields
    $allowedLanguages = array('english' => true, 'french' => true, 'spanish' => true, 'german' => true, 'other_language' => true);
    // iterate threw post and check for allowed languages and add to languagesToUpdate the language we need to update with it's value
    foreach ($_POST as $post => $value) {
        if (isset($allowedLanguages[$post]) && $allowedLanguages[$post]) {
            $languagesToUpdate[] = '`' . $post . '` = "' . utf8_encode($value) . '"';
    // add additional data like updated_on
    $languagesToUpdate[] = '`updated_on` = ' . time() . '';
    //update database
    $db = 'UPDATE `translations_structure` SET '.implode(', ', $languagesToUpdate).' WHERE `id` = '.(int)$id;
    // this will produce something like this:
    // UPDATE `translations_structure` SET `english` = "English text", `spanish` = "Spanish text", `updated_on` = 1479720637 WHERE `id` = 1

    1. OracleのSYSTIMESTAMP関数

    2. PostgreSQLでカテゴリ別に最大日付グループのIDを選択するにはどうすればよいですか?

    3. MySQLで絵文字を検索する

    4. OracleRACの観点から見たSQLServerクラスタリング