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    select a.title_id,  sum(revenue), sum(cost),sum(interest) from
    (select a.title_id,  sum(revenue) as revenue, sum(cost) as cost from
    (select  1 title_id, 10 revenue , 5 cost UNION all
    select 2,   10,  5 UNION all
    select 3,   10,  5 UNION all
    select 4,   10,  5 UNION all
    select 1,   20,  6 UNION all
    select 2,   20,  6 UNION all
    select 3,   20,  6 UNION all
    select 4,   20,  6) as a
    GROUP BY title_id) as a
    left JOIN
    (select title_id, sum(interest) as interest from
    (select 1 as title_id, 10 as interest UNION all
    select 2,   10 UNION all
    select 3,  10 UNION all
    select 4,   10 UNION all
    select 1,  20 UNION all
    select 2,  20 UNION all
    select 3, 20 UNION all
    select 4,  20) as b
    GROUP BY title_id ) as b
    on a.title_id = b.title_id 
    GROUP BY a.title_id
    with ROLLUP


    1   30  11  30
    2   30  11  30
    3   30  11  30
    4   30  11  30
        120 44  120


    select a.title_id,  sum(revenue), sum(cost),sum(interest) from
    (select a.title_id,  sum(revenue) as revenue, sum(cost) as cost from
    (select * from revenue) as a
    GROUP BY title_id) as a
    left JOIN
    (select title_id, sum(interest) as interest from
    (select * from fund) as b
    GROUP BY title_id ) as b
    on a.title_id = b.title_id 
    GROUP BY a.title_id
    with ROLLUP

    1. 日付ベースのレコードを15分間隔にグループ化する方法

    2. JDBC挿入エラー

    3. HTMLリスト構造のPHP再帰メニュー

    4. MySQLクレデンシャルをwwwディレクトリの外に置くのはなぜですか?