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    public interface SmsLogRepository extends JpaRepository<SmsLog, Long> {
    @Query(value = "select * from sms_log s where s.phone_number = (:ph) \n#pageable\n", countQuery = "select count(*) from sms_log s where s.phone_number = (:ph) \n#pageable\n", nativeQuery = true)
    Page<SmsLog> findByPhoneNumber(@Param("ph") String phoneNumber, Pageable pageable);
    @Query(value = "select * from sms_log s where s.phone_number = (:ph) AND s.message_timestamp between (:fromdate) and (:todate) \n#pageable\n",countQuery = "select count(*) from sms_log s where s.phone_number = (:ph) AND s.message_timestamp between (:fromdate) and (:todate) \n#pageable\n", nativeQuery = true)
    Page<SmsLog> findByPhoneNumberAndDate(@Param("ph") String phoneNumber, @Param("fromdate") String fromDate, @Param("todate") String todate, Pageable pageable);
    @Query(value = "select * from sms_log s where s.message_timestamp between (:fromdate) and (:todate) \n#pageable\n",countQuery = "select count(*) from sms_log s where s.message_timestamp between (:fromdate) and (:todate) \n#pageable\n", nativeQuery = true)
    Page<SmsLog> findByDate(@Param("fromdate") String fromDate, @Param("todate") String todate, Pageable pageable);

    1. ダイレクトNFSでのORA-4031エラー

    2. ログインしたユーザーがプロファイル設定/情報を更新/編集できるようにする方法

    3. mysql jdbc jarはどこからダウンロードできますか?

    4. すべての列の最も一般的な値を取得します