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    テーブルstudentsに異なるエイリアスを使用する および関連するすべての列

    select <Fields to be seleced>
    FROM `batches`   
    INNER JOIN courses ON courses.id = batches.course_id 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN attendances ON attendances.batch_id = batches.id AND attendances.month_date = '2016-09-05'  
    LEFT OUTER JOIN students st1 ON st1.id = attendances.student_id AND students.batch_id = batches.id 
    INNER JOIN students st2 ON  batches.id = st2.batch_id 
    WHERE ('2016-09-05' BETWEEN batches.start_date AND batches.end_date AND batches.is_active = 1 AND batches.is_deleted = 0 AND courses.is_deleted = 0 )  GROUP BY batches.id ORDER BY courses.course_name,batches.id LIMIT 0, 10;

    1. 上位nパーセント上位n%

    2. ORACLE-サブクエリでカウントを選択

    3. php mysql文字セット:国際コンテンツのhtmlの保存

    4. PDOはローカルホスト(不明なmysqlサーバーホスト)に接続します