これを想定した T_SQL は次のとおりです。
- 結果に表示される列数がわからない
- ピボットの要素はさまざまです (最初の仮定はそのためです)。
- 「ChildId1, ChilDesc1, ChildId2, ChildDesc2... asd so ever」という特定の順序が必要です
DECLARE@MaxCountOfChild int
-- Obtaining Maximum times a Master is used by its children SELECT TOP 1 @MaxCountOfChild= count(*) FROM ChildTable GROUP BY MasterID order by count(*) DESC --With that number, create a string for the Pivot elements --if you want them in the order Id1-Desc1-Id2-Desc2 DECLARE @AuxforReplacing nvarchar(MAX), @ChildIdsandDescs nvarchar(MAX), @PivotElements nvarchar(MAX), @Counter int, @sql nvarchar(MAX) SET @Counter=0 SET @AuxforReplacing='' SET @ChildIdsandDescs='' SET @PivotElements='' WHILE (@Counter < @MaxCountOfChild) begin SET @[email protected] +1 SET @[email protected] + '[' +convert(varchar, @Counter)+ '],' SET @[email protected] + '[' +convert(varchar, @Counter)+ '] as ' + convert(varchar, @Counter) + ',' SET @[email protected] + '[ChildID' + convert(varchar, @Counter)+ '],[ChildDesc' + convert(varchar, @Counter) +'],' end SET @PivotElements=LEFT(@PivotElements, len(@PivotElements)-1) SET @ChildIdsandDescs=LEFT(@ChildIdsandDescs, len(@ChildIdsandDescs)-1) SET @AuxforReplacing=LEFT(@AuxforReplacing, len(@AuxforReplacing)-1) --print REPLACE(@AuxforReplacing, 'as ', 'as ChildId') --print @ChildIds --print @PivotElements SET @sql = N' WITH AuxTable (Masterdesc,ChildId, MasterId,ChildDesc, NumeroenMaster) AS ( SELECT M.Description as MasterDesc, C.*, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY M.MasterId ORDER BY M.MasterId, ChildId) FROM MasterTable M INNER JOIN ChildTable C ON M.MasterId=C.MasterId ) SELECT TablaMaster.MasterId,' + @ChildIdsandDescs + ' FROM ( SELECT MasterId, ' + REPLACE(@AuxforReplacing, 'as ', 'as ChildId') + ' FROM ( SELECT MasterId, NumeroenMaster, ChildId FROM AuxTable) P PIVOT ( MAX (ChildId) FOR NumeroenMaster IN (' + @PivotElements +') ) AS pvt) As TablaMaster INNER JOIN ( SELECT MasterId, ' + REPLACE(@AuxforReplacing, 'as ', 'as ChildDesc') + ' FROM ( SELECT MasterId, NumeroenMaster, ChildDesc FROM AuxTable) P PIVOT ( MAX (ChildDesc) FOR NumeroenMaster IN (' + @PivotElements +') ) AS pvt) As TablaChild ON TablaMaster.MasterId= TablaChild.MasterId' EXEC sp_executesql @sql
MasterId ChildID1 ChildDesc1 ChildID2 ChildDesc2 ChildID3 ChildDesc3 ChildID4 ChildDesc4 -------- -------- ---------- -------- ----------- -------- ---------- -------- --------- 1 1 Child1 2 Child2 NULL NULL NULL NULL 2 3 Child3 4 Child4 7 Child7 8 Child8 3 5 Child5 6 Child5 NULL NULL NULL NULL Asumming this in the table ChildTable: ChildId MasterId ChildDesc ------- -------- --------- 1 1 Child1 2 1 Child2 3 2 Child3 4 2 Child4 5 3 Child5 6 3 Child5 7 2 Child7 8 2 Child8