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    編集 OP のテーブルに基づく:

    OP のテーブル定義の列を使用した例を次に示します。サンプル データは次のとおりです。

                /       \
         3-Paul          6-David
        /      \            /    \
     4-Jack  5-Daniel   7-Ian    8-Helen
    --I only included the needed columns from the OP's table here
    DECLARE @Contacts table (id varchar(36), first_name varchar(100), reports_to_id varchar(36))
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('1','Jerome', NULL )
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('2','Joe'   ,'1')
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('3','Paul'  ,'2')
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('4','Jack'  ,'3')
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('5','Daniel','3')
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('6','David' ,'2')
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('7','Ian'   ,'6')
    INSERT @Contacts VALUES ('8','Helen' ,'6')
    DECLARE @Root_id  char(4)
    --get complete tree---------------------------------------------------
    SET @Root_id=null
    PRINT '@Root_id='+COALESCE(''''[email protected]_id+'''','null')
    ;WITH StaffTree AS
            c.id, c.first_name, c.reports_to_id, c.reports_to_id as Manager_id, cc.first_name AS Manager_first_name, 1 AS LevelOf
            FROM @Contacts                  c
                LEFT OUTER JOIN @Contacts  cc ON c.reports_to_id=cc.id
            WHERE [email protected]_id OR (@Root_id IS NULL AND c.reports_to_id IS NULL)
        UNION ALL
                s.id, s.first_name, s.reports_to_id, t.id, t.first_name, t.LevelOf+1
            FROM StaffTree            t
                INNER JOIN @Contacts  s ON t.id=s.reports_to_id
        WHERE [email protected]_id OR @Root_id IS NULL OR t.LevelOf>1
    SELECT * FROM StaffTree
    --get all below 2---------------------------------------------------
    SET @Root_id=2
    PRINT '@Root_id='+COALESCE(''''[email protected]_id+'''','null')
    ;WITH StaffTree AS
            c.id, c.first_name, c.reports_to_id, c.reports_to_id as Manager_id, cc.first_name AS Manager_first_name, 1 AS LevelOf
            FROM @Contacts                  c
                LEFT OUTER JOIN @Contacts  cc ON c.reports_to_id=cc.id
            WHERE [email protected]_id OR (@Root_id IS NULL AND c.reports_to_id IS NULL)
        UNION ALL
                s.id, s.first_name, s.reports_to_id, t.id, t.first_name, t.LevelOf+1
            FROM StaffTree            t
                INNER JOIN @Contacts  s ON t.id=s.reports_to_id
        WHERE [email protected]_id OR @Root_id IS NULL OR t.LevelOf>1
    SELECT * FROM StaffTree
    --get all below 6---------------------------------------------------
    SET @Root_id=6
    PRINT '@Root_id='+COALESCE(''''[email protected]_id+'''','null')
    ;WITH StaffTree AS
            c.id, c.first_name, c.reports_to_id, c.reports_to_id as Manager_id, cc.first_name AS Manager_first_name, 1 AS LevelOf
            FROM @Contacts                  c
                LEFT OUTER JOIN @Contacts  cc ON c.reports_to_id=cc.id
            WHERE [email protected]_id OR (@Root_id IS NULL AND c.reports_to_id IS NULL)
        UNION ALL
                s.id, s.first_name, s.reports_to_id, t.id, t.first_name, t.LevelOf+1
            FROM StaffTree            t
                INNER JOIN @Contacts  s ON t.id=s.reports_to_id
        WHERE [email protected]_id OR @Root_id IS NULL OR t.LevelOf>1
    SELECT * FROM StaffTree


    id     first_name reports_to_id Manager_id Manager_first_name LevelOf
    ------ ---------- ------------- ---------- ------------------ -----------
    1      Jerome     NULL          NULL       NULL               1
    2      Joe        1             1          Jerome             2
    3      Paul       2             2          Joe                3
    6      David      2             2          Joe                3
    7      Ian        6             6          David              4
    8      Helen      6             6          David              4
    4      Jack       3             3          Paul               4
    5      Daniel     3             3          Paul               4
    (8 row(s) affected)
    @Root_id='2   '
    id     first_name reports_to_id Manager_id Manager_first_name LevelOf
    ------ ---------- ------------- ---------- ------------------ -----------
    2      Joe        1             1          Jerome             1
    3      Paul       2             2          Joe                2
    6      David      2             2          Joe                2
    7      Ian        6             6          David              3
    8      Helen      6             6          David              3
    4      Jack       3             3          Paul               3
    5      Daniel     3             3          Paul               3
    (7 row(s) affected)
    @Root_id='6   '
    id     first_name reports_to_id Manager_id Manager_first_name LevelOf
    ------ ---------- ------------- ---------- ------------------ -----------
    6      David      2             2          Joe                1
    7      Ian        6             6          David              2
    8      Helen      6             6          David              2
    (3 row(s) affected)

    1. エラー1878(HY000):一時ファイルの書き込みに失敗しました

    2. PostgreSQLをリモートで管理するためのヒント

    3. 配列-配列値をmysqlテーブルに挿入します

    4. 行ごとではなく、DataTable全体を一度にデータベースに挿入しますか?