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    Brad Robertsonと彼のチームのおかげで、アパートの宝石 があります。 。これは非常に便利で、多くの手間のかかる作業を行います。

    ただし、スキーマをいじくり回す場合は、スキーマが実際にどのように機能するかを知っておくことを強くお勧めします。 JerodSantoのウォークスルーをよく理解してください。 、だからあなたはアパートの宝石が多かれ少なかれ何をしているのかを知るでしょう。


    誰かがブログ投稿を作成しました そして、このプロセス全体をかなりうまく歩きます。

    更新2010年5月11日11:26GMT+ 8


      module SchemaUtils
       def self.add_schema_to_path(schema)
        conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
        conn.execute "SET search_path TO #{schema}, #{conn.schema_search_path}"
       def self.reset_search_path
        conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
        conn.execute "SET search_path TO #{conn.schema_search_path}"
       def self.create_and_migrate_schema(schema_name)
        conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
        schemas = conn.select_values("select * from pg_namespace where nspname != 'information_schema' AND nspname NOT LIKE 'pg%'")
        if schemas.include?(schema_name)
         tables = conn.tables
         Rails.logger.info "#{schema_name} exists already with these tables #{tables.inspect}"
         Rails.logger.info "About to create #{schema_name}"
         conn.execute "create schema #{schema_name}"
        # Save the old search path so we can set it back at the end of this method
        old_search_path = conn.schema_search_path
        # Tried to set the search path like in the methods above (from Guy Naor)
        # [METHOD 1]: conn.execute "SET search_path TO #{schema_name}"
        # But the connection itself seems to remember the old search path.
        # When Rails executes a schema it first asks if the table it will load in already exists and if :force => true. 
        # If both true, it will drop the table and then load it. 
        # The problem is that in the METHOD 1 way of setting things, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_search_path still returns $user,public.
        # That means that when Rails tries to load the schema, and asks if the tables exist, it searches for these tables in the public schema.
        # See line 655 in Rails 2.3.5 activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb
        # That's why I kept running into this error of the table existing when it didn't (in the newly created schema).
        # If used this way [METHOD 2], it works. ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_search_path returns the string we pass it.
        conn.schema_search_path = schema_name
        # Directly from databases.rake. 
        # In Rails 2.3.5 databases.rake can be found in railties/lib/tasks/databases.rake
        file = "#{Rails.root}/db/schema.rb"
        if File.exists?(file)
         Rails.logger.info "About to load the schema #{file}"
         abort %{#{file} doesn't exist yet. It's possible that you just ran a migration!}
        Rails.logger.info "About to set search path back to #{old_search_path}."
        conn.schema_search_path = old_search_path

    1. justify_hours()がPostgreSQLでどのように機能するか

    2. 外部キーを持つテーブル列をNULLにすることはできますか?

    3. 同じテーブルの行と列を比較する

    4. vbデータソースにmysqldbテーブルを追加できません