sql >> データベース >  >> Database Tools >> SSMS



    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.p_values2insertquery
        @t_name   nvarchar(128),                   -- Destination Table Name + [(column names)]
        @t_values nvarchar(max),                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)    
        @dlm      nvarchar(128)   = N'  '          -- Delimiter: HT = HorizontalTab = char(9)
    /*  p_values2insertquery
            - converts table values stored in @t_values string (separated by default by @dlm=TAB)
              to queries for insert to  table name defined in @t_name
            @t_name   nvarchar(128),                   -- Destination Table Name + [(column names)]
            @t_values nvarchar(max),                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)    
            @dlm      nvarchar(128)   = N'  '          -- Delimiter: HT = HorizontalTab = char(9)
        -- NB! Script do NOT write any ifo to any table
        -- to perform insert please copy/paste script output and execute            
            IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#insertTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #insertTable;
            CREATE TABLE #insertTable
            (   transaction_id int     
               ,user_id        int 
               ,purchase_price decimal(8,2) 
               ,mess           varchar(8)
            declare @t_name     nvarchar(128)   = '#insertTable'    -- Table Name for insert
            declare @t_values   nvarchar(max)   =                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
            NULL    490366  NULL    NULL
            NULL    490400  NULL    NULL
            NULL    490402  NULL    NULL
            483061  490404  10  abc1
            NULL    490406  NULL    NULL
            9766167 490408  3   abc2'
            declare @dlm        nvarchar(128)   = char(9);          -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
            exec p_values2insertquery @t_name, @t_values
         -- Output:
         insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490366',NULL,NULL);
         insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490400',NULL,NULL);
         insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490402',NULL,NULL);
         insert into #insertTable VALUES('483061','490404','10','abc1');
         insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490406',NULL,NULL);
         insert into #insertTable VALUES('9766167','490408','3','abc2');
        select N'insert into '
                + @t_name               -- table name
                + ' VALUES(' 
                + replace               -- replace 'NULL' by NULL
                  ( '''' 
                     + replace          -- surround values by quotes 'value1','value2'...
                       (    value
                       ,    @dlm        -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
                       ,    ''','''
                     + ''''
                  , '''NULL'''  
                  , 'NULL'      
                + ');' as insertQuery
        --into #t 
        from string_split               -- insert Line per Row into table
             (  replace                 -- replace CR + LF by LF  (CR - Carriage Return, LF - Line Feed)
                (   @t_values           -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
                , char(13)+char(10)     -- CR + LF
                , char(10)              -- LF
        where len(value)>0              -- skip empty rows
    /* the same, but step by step (for explanatory purposes):
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #t;
    select @t_values=replace(@t_values,char(13)+char(10), char(10))           ;    -- replace CR + LF by LF  (CR - Carriage Return, LF - Line Feed)
    select value into #t from string_split(@t_values,char(10))                ;    -- insert Line per Row into table
    delete from #t where len(value)<1                                         ;    -- delete empty lines
    update #t set value =  '''' + replace(value,  @dlm, ''',''') + '''';            -- surround values by quotes 'value1','value2'...
    update #t set value =      replace(value, '''NULL''', 'NULL');                  -- replace 'NULL' by NULL
    update #t set value = N'insert into '+ @t_name + ' VALUES(' + value + ');'
    select * from #t
    RETURN 0 


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#insertTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #insertTable;
    CREATE TABLE #insertTable
    (   transaction_id int     
       ,user_id        int 
       ,purchase_price decimal(8,2) 
       ,mess           varchar(8)
    declare @t_name     nvarchar(128)   = '#insertTable'    -- Table Name for insert
    declare @t_values   nvarchar(max)   =                   -- Paste Table Values here (from excel for instance)
    NULL    490366  NULL    NULL
    NULL    490400  NULL    NULL
    NULL    490402  NULL    NULL
    483061  490404  10  abc1
    NULL    490406  NULL    NULL
    9766167 490408  3   abc2'
    declare @dlm        nvarchar(128)   = char(9);          -- Delimiter: HT = char(9) = HorizontalTab
    exec p_values2insertquery @t_name, @t_values


    insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490366',NULL,NULL);
    insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490400',NULL,NULL);
    insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490402',NULL,NULL);
    insert into #insertTable VALUES('483061','490404','10','abc1');
    insert into #insertTable VALUES(NULL,'490406',NULL,NULL);
    insert into #insertTable VALUES('9766167','490408','3','abc2');

    1. 2020年の最後のDBeaverEEリリース

    2. PHPMyadminはmysqlエラーメッセージを表示しません

    3. phpMyAdminがcsvから日時を正しくインポートするようにするにはどうすればよいですか?

    4. 増加する文字と数字で構成されるID番号に使用するタイプ