sql >> データベース >  >> RDS >> Oracle


    Create or replace type table1_Type as object (
     id integer,
     dateStart date,
     etc varchar2(20));
    -- TYPE TABLE1_TYPE compiled
    create table table1 of table1_type;
    -- table TABLE1 created.
    Create or replace type table2_type as object(
     id integer,
     items varchar2(30),
     datePurchased varchar2(20),
     table1_Ref REF table1_type);
    -- TYPE TABLE2_TYPE compiled
    create table table2 of table2_type;
    --table TABLE2 created.
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(table1_Type(1, SYSDATE, 'etc1...'));
    INSERT INTO table1 VALUES(table1_Type(2, SYSDATE, 'etc2...'));
    SELECT  REF(t)
    FROM    table1 t
    WHERE   id = 1;
    -- [TST.TABLE1_TYPE]
        l_table_1_id_1  REF table1_Type;
        l_table_1_id_2  REF table1_Type;
        SELECT  REF(t)
        INTO    l_table_1_id_1
        FROM    table1 t
        WHERE   id = 1;
        SELECT  REF(t)
        INTO    l_table_1_id_2
        FROM    table1 t
        WHERE   id = 2;
        INSERT INTO table2 VALUES (21, 'item21', SYSDATE, l_table_1_id_1);
        INSERT INTO table2 VALUES (22, 'item22', SYSDATE, l_table_1_id_2);
    -- anonymous block completed
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table1;
    -- 2
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table2;
    -- 2
    SELECT * FROM table1;
    1   2013-06-16 03:51:50 etc1...
    2   2013-06-16 03:52:05 etc2...
    SELECT * FROM table2;
    21  item21  2013-06-16 04:06:26 [TST.TABLE1_TYPE]
    22  item22  2013-06-16 04:06:26 [TST.TABLE1_TYPE]
    SELECT  *
    FROM    table1 t1
    JOIN    table2 t2
    ON      REF(t1) = t2.table1_Ref;
    1   2013-06-16 03:51:50 etc1... 21  item21  2013-06-16 04:06:26 [TST.TABLE1_TYPE]
    2   2013-06-16 03:52:05 etc2... 22  item22  2013-06-16 04:06:26 [TST.TABLE1_TYPE]

    1. 集計で異なる値を表示する

    2. PostgreSQLからテンプレートデータベースを削除するにはどうすればよいですか?

    3. MySQLを使用したピボットテーブル

    4. OracleからPostgreSQLへの移行-知っておくべきこと