LONG RAWを取得する例 DataType
var imgCmd = new OracleCommand("SELECT photo FROM photos WHERE photo_id = 1", _con);
imgCmd.InitialLONGFetchSize = -1; // Retrieve the entire image during select instead of possible two round trips to DB
var reader = imgCmd.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read()) {
// Fetch the LONG RAW
OracleBinary imgBinary = reader.GetOracleBinary(0);
// Get the bytes from the binary obj
byte[] imgBytes = imgBinary.IsNull ? null : imgBinary.Value;
BLOBを取得する例 DataType
var imgCmd = new OracleCommand("SELECT photo FROM photos WHERE photo_id = 1", _con);
var reader = imgCmd.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.Read()) {
// Fetch the blob
OracleBlob imgBlob = reader.GetOracleBlob(0);
// Create byte array to read the blob into
byte[] imgBytes = new byte[imgBlob.Length];
// Read the blob into the byte array
imgBlob.Read(imgBytes, 0, imgBlob.Length);