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    function get_paging_info($tot_rows,$pp,$curr_page)
        $pages = ceil($tot_rows / $pp); // calc pages
        $data = array(); // start out array
        $data['si']        = ($curr_page * $pp) - $pp; // what row to start at
        $data['pages']     = $pages;                   // add the pages
        $data['curr_page'] = $curr_page;               // Whats the current page
        return $data; //return the paging data



    • $tot_rows=クエリでカウントされた行
    • $pp=ページあたりのアイテム
    • $curr_page=現在のページ番号




        <!-- Create the query -->
        <?php $count = mysql_fetch_assoc( mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT( rows ) as count FROM table" ) ) ;
        <?php $count = $count[0]['count']; ?>
    <!-- Call our function from above -->
    <?php $paging_info = get_paging_info($count,5,34); ?>
        <!-- If the current page is more than 1, show the First and Previous links -->
        <?php if($paging_info['curr_page'] > 1) : ?>
            <a href='' title='Page 1'>First</a>
            <a href='' title='Page <?php echo ($paging_info['curr_page'] - 1); ?>'>Prev</a>
        <?php endif; ?>
            //setup starting point
            //$max is equal to number of links shown
            $max = 7;
            if($paging_info['curr_page'] < $max)
                $sp = 1;
            elseif($paging_info['curr_page'] >= ($paging_info['pages'] - floor($max / 2)) )
                $sp = $paging_info['pages'] - $max + 1;
            elseif($paging_info['curr_page'] >= $max)
                $sp = $paging_info['curr_page']  - floor($max/2);
        <!-- If the current page >= $max then show link to 1st page -->
        <?php if($paging_info['curr_page'] >= $max) : ?>
            <a href='' title='Page 1'>1</a>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <!-- Loop though max number of pages shown and show links either side equal to $max / 2 -->
        <?php for($i = $sp; $i <= ($sp + $max -1);$i++) : ?>
                if($i > $paging_info['pages'])
            <?php if($paging_info['curr_page'] == $i) : ?>
                <span class='bold'><?php echo $i; ?></span>
            <?php else : ?>
                <a href='' title='Page <?php echo $i; ?>'><?php echo $i; ?></a>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endfor; ?>
        <!-- If the current page is less than say the last page minus $max pages divided by 2-->
        <?php if($paging_info['curr_page'] < ($paging_info['pages'] - floor($max / 2))) : ?>
            <a href='' title='Page <?php echo $paging_info['pages']; ?>'><?php echo $paging_info['pages']; ?></a>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <!-- Show last two pages if we're not near them -->
        <?php if($paging_info['curr_page'] < $paging_info['pages']) : ?>
            <a href='<?php echo str_replace('/page'.$paging_info['curr_page'], '', $paging_info['curr_url']) . '/page'.($paging_info['curr_page'] + 1); ?>' title='Page <?php echo ($paging_info['curr_page'] + 1); ?>'>Next</a>
            <a href='<?php echo str_replace('/page'.$paging_info['curr_page'], '', $paging_info['curr_url']) . '/page'.$paging_info['pages']; ?>' title='Page <?php echo $paging_info['pages']; ?>'>Last</a>
        <?php endif; ?>

    1. Laravel5PDOExceptionがドライバーを見つけられませんでした

    2. JPA + Hibernate:ONDELETECASCADEを持つ制約を定義する方法

    3. Mysqlトランザクション:コミットとロールバック

    4. どちらの時系列データベースが優れているか:TimescaleDBとInfluxDB