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    次のクエリを使用すると、SQLのhave句とMySQLの group_concat 機能。


    drop table nested_set;
    CREATE TABLE nested_set (
     id INT,
     name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
     lft INT NOT NULL,
     rgt INT NOT NULL
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (1,'HEAD',1,28);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (2,'A',2,3);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (3,'B',4,17);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (4,'B1',5,10);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (5,'B1.1',6,7);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (6,'B1.2',8,9);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (7,'B2',11,16);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (8,'B2.1',12,13);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (9,'B2.2',14,15);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (10,'C',18,25);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (11,'C1',19,20);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (12,'C2',21,22);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (13,'C3',23,24);
    INSERT INTO nested_set (id, name, lft, rgt) VALUES (14,'D',26,27);


    , node.lft
    , node.rgt
    , node.name
    ,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
    ,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
    FROM nested_set AS node
    inner join nested_set AS parent
    on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
    where parent.lft > 1
    GROUP BY node.id


    | id   | lft | rgt | name | path      | depth |
    |    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A         |     0 |
    |    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B         |     0 |
    |    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1      |     1 |
    |    5 |   6 |   7 | B1.1 | B/B1/B1.1 |     2 |
    |    6 |   8 |   9 | B1.2 | B/B1/B1.2 |     2 |
    |    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2      |     1 |
    |    8 |  12 |  13 | B2.1 | B/B2/B2.1 |     2 |
    |    9 |  14 |  15 | B2.2 | B/B2/B2.2 |     2 |
    |   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C         |     0 |
    |   11 |  19 |  20 | C1   | C/C1      |     1 |
    |   12 |  21 |  22 | C2   | C/C2      |     1 |
    |   13 |  23 |  24 | C3   | C/C3      |     1 |
    |   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D         |     0 |


    depth = 0
    or ('<PATH_TO_OPEN>' =  left(path, length('<PATH_TO_OPEN>'))
       and depth = length('<PATH_TO_OPEN>') - length(replace('<PATH_TO_OPEN>', '/', '')) + 1)

    have句は、groupbyクエリの結果にフィルターを適用します。 「depth=0」の部分は、常にベースメニューノード(A、B、C、およびD)がないことを確認するためのものです。次の部分は、開いているノードを制御する部分です。ノードのパスを、開きたい設定パス('')と比較して、一致するかどうかを確認します。また、パスに対してレベルを開くだけであることを確認します。 ''ロジックを含むセクション全体またはセクションを複製し、必要に応じて追加して、必要に応じて複数のパスを開くことができます。 ''が末尾のスラッシュ(/)で終わっていないことを確認してください。


    =========Open B==========
    , node.lft
    , node.rgt
    , node.name
    ,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
    ,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
    FROM nested_set AS node
    inner join nested_set AS parent
    on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
    where parent.lft > 1
    GROUP BY node.id
    depth = 0
    or ('B' =  left(path, length('B'))
       and depth = length('B') - length(replace('B', '/', '')) + 1)
    | id   | lft | rgt | name | path | depth |
    |    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A    |     0 |
    |    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B    |     0 |
    |    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1 |     1 |
    |    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2 |     1 |
    |   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C    |     0 |
    |   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D    |     0 |
    =========Open B and B/B1==========
    , node.lft
    , node.rgt
    , node.name
    ,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
    ,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
    FROM nested_set AS node
    inner join nested_set AS parent
    on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
    where parent.lft > 1
    GROUP BY node.id
    depth = 0
    or ('B' =  left(path, length('B'))
       and depth = length('B') - length(replace('B', '/', '')) + 1)
    or ('B/B1' =  left(path, length('B/B1'))
       and depth = length('B/B1') - length(replace('B/B1', '/', '')) + 1)
    | id   | lft | rgt | name | path      | depth |
    |    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A         |     0 |
    |    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B         |     0 |
    |    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1      |     1 |
    |    5 |   6 |   7 | B1.1 | B/B1/B1.1 |     2 |
    |    6 |   8 |   9 | B1.2 | B/B1/B1.2 |     2 |
    |    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2      |     1 |
    |   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C         |     0 |
    |   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D         |     0 |
    =========Open B and B/B1 and C==========
    , node.lft
    , node.rgt
    , node.name
    ,  GROUP_CONCAT(parent.name ORDER BY parent.lft  SEPARATOR "/" ) AS path
    ,  (COUNT(parent.lft) - 1) AS depth
    FROM nested_set AS node
    inner join nested_set AS parent
    on node.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
    where parent.lft > 1
    GROUP BY node.id
    depth = 0
    or ('B' =  left(path, length('B'))
       and depth = length('B') - length(replace('B', '/', '')) + 1)
    or ('B/B1' =  left(path, length('B/B1'))
       and depth = length('B/B1') - length(replace('B/B1', '/', '')) + 1)
    or ('C' =  left(path, length('C'))
       and depth = length('C') - length(replace('C', '/', '')) + 1)
    | id   | lft | rgt | name | path      | depth |
    |    2 |   2 |   3 | A    | A         |     0 |
    |    3 |   4 |  17 | B    | B         |     0 |
    |    4 |   5 |  10 | B1   | B/B1      |     1 |
    |    5 |   6 |   7 | B1.1 | B/B1/B1.1 |     2 |
    |    6 |   8 |   9 | B1.2 | B/B1/B1.2 |     2 |
    |    7 |  11 |  16 | B2   | B/B2      |     1 |
    |   10 |  18 |  25 | C    | C         |     0 |
    |   11 |  19 |  20 | C1   | C/C1      |     1 |
    |   12 |  21 |  22 | C2   | C/C2      |     1 |
    |   13 |  23 |  24 | C3   | C/C3      |     1 |
    |   14 |  26 |  27 | D    | D         |     0 |


    http://mikehillyer.com/articles/managing-hierarchical-dataを参照してください-in-mysql / MySQLでのネストされたセットの操作に関する一般的な情報が必要な場合に備えて。




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