MySQL 8の場合:
with recursive rcte(dt_id, col, value) as (
select dt_id, col, value
from mytable
order by dt_id
limit 1
union all
select r.dt_id + interval 1 day
, coalesce(t.col, r.col)
, coalesce(t.value, r.value)
from rcte r
left join mytable t on t.dt_id = r.dt_id + interval 1 day
where r.dt_id < (select max(dt_id) from mytable)
select r.col, r.dt_id, r.value
from rcte r
order by r.dt_id
再帰クエリは、最初の日付から最後の日付まで日付を増分して行ごとに構築します。 value
select b.col, c.date_id, b.value
from time_table c
left join balance b on b.dt_id = (
select max(dt_id)
from balance b1
where b1.dt_id <= c.date_id
where c.date_id >= (select min(dt_id) from balance)
and c.date_id <= (select max(dt_id) from balance)
select b.col, c.date_id, b.value
from (
select col, min(dt_id) as min_dt, max(dt_id) as max_dt
from balance
group by col
) i
join time_table c
on c.date_id >= i.min_dt
and c.date_id <= i.max_dt
left join balance b
on b.col = i.col
and b.dt_id = (
select max(dt_id)
from balance b1
where b1.dt_id <= c.date_id
and b1.col = i.col
order by b.col, c.date_id
(col, dt_id)
にインデックスがあることを確認してください 。最良の場合、それが主キーになります。 date_id
内 インデックスまたは主キーも必要です。