/* Find connections based on health care */
SELECT p2.p_id as id, p2.fname, p2.lname, p2.image
FROM person p
JOIN health_case hc on hc.patient = p.p_id
JOIN health_case hc2 on hc2.doctor = hc.doctor and hc2.healthcenter = hc.healthcenter and hc.start <= hc2.end and hc.end >= hc2.start and hc2.patient <> hc.patient
JOIN person p2 on p2.p_id = hc2.patient and p2.p_id <> p.p_id
WHERE p.p_id = :id
/* Find connections based on education */
SELECT p2.p_id as id, p2.fname, p2.lname, p2.image
FROM person p
JOIN education e on e.pupil = p.p_id
JOIN education e2 on e2.school = e.school and e2.start <= e.end AND e2.end >= e.start and e.pupil <> e2.pupil
JOIN person p2 on p2.p_id = e2.pupil and p2.p_id <> p.p_id
WHERE p.p_id = :id
を使用できます。 どちらのクエリもpersonテーブルから同じ列を返すためです。