の場合 列、MERGE
を含む手法を使用できます この質問
DECLARE @OldID int, @NewID int; SET @OldID = some_value; DECLARE @TwoMapping TABLE (OldID int, NewID int); DECLARE @ThreeMapping TABLE (OldID int, NewID int); INSERT INTO One SELECT columns FROM One WHERE OneID = @OldID; SET @NewID = SCOPE_IDENTITY(); /* That one was simple: one row is copied, so just reading SCOPE_IDENTITY() after the INSERT. The actual mapping technique starts at this point. */ MERGE Two tgt USING ( SELECT @NewID AS OneID, other columns FROM Two t WHERE OneID = @OldID ) src ON 0 = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (columns) VALUES (src.columns) OUTPUT src.TwoID, INSERTED.TwoID INTO @TwoMapping (OldID, NewID); /* As you can see, MERGE allows us to reference the source table in the OUTPUT clause, in addition to the pseudo-tables INSERTED and DELETED, and that is a great advantage over INSERT and the core of the method. */
プレ>MERGE Three tgt USING ( SELECT map.NewID AS TwoID, t.other columns FROM Three t INNER JOIN @TwoMapping map ON t.TwoID = map.OldID ) src ON 0 = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (columns) VALUES (src.columns) OUTPUT src.ThreeID, INSERTED.ThreeID INTO @ThreeMapping (OldID, NewID); /* Now that we've got a mapping table, we can easily substitute new FKs for the old ones with a simple join. The same is repeated once again in the following MERGE. */ MERGE Four tgt USING ( SELECT map.NewID AS ThreeID, t.columns FROM Four t INNER JOIN @ThreeMapping map ON t.ThreeID = map.OldID ) src ON 0 = 1 WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (columns) VALUES (src.columns); /* The Four table is the last one in the chain of dependencies, so the last MERGE has no OUTPUT clause. But if there were a Five table, we would go on like above. */
プレ>または、おそらくカーソルを使用する必要があります。これは、SQL Server 2005 以前のバージョンでこれを行う唯一の (正気の) 方法のようです。