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    CTE (共通テーブル式 ) は特殊な一時テーブルのように使用できます。これにより、(この場合) 後で自己結合を作成できる行番号を動的に作成できます。


    --create temp table
    select 19 as id,'2013-08-23 14:52' as activitytime,1 as status
    into #temp
    union all
    select 19,'2013-08-23 14:50',1 union all
    select 19,'2013-08-23 14:45',2 union all
    select 19,'2013-08-23 14:35',2 union all
    select 19,'2013-08-23 14:32',1 union all
    select 19,'2013-08-23 14:30',1 union all
    select 19,'2013-08-23 14:25',2 union all
    select 19,'2013-08-23 14:22',2 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:59',1 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:56',1 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:57',1 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:52',2 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:50',2 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:49',2 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:18',2 union all
    select 53,'2013-08-23 14:30',1
    --build cte table
    ;WITH cte
    AS (
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY  id, activitytime) AS RowNum
    --query cte table, self joining row 1 to row 2 to compare.
    SELECT a.id, sum(DATEDIFF(minute,b.ActivityTIme,a.ActivityTime)) as TotalTime
     cte AS A
     LEFT OUTER JOIN cte AS B   
     ON A.RowNum = B.RowNum + 1 and a.id = b.id
    where b.status = 2
    group by a.id

    1. SSMS 2019(v18)の拡張機能を作成する方法

    2. AlteryxでのJavaデータの操作

    3. Gridviewは現在のコンテキストに存在しません

    4. oracle.sql.ARRAYオブジェクトを作成するにはどうすればよいですか?