機能 1
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_BraekTextInLines] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @InString varchar(max), @LineLength int ) RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS BEGIN if @LineLength <=0 or @LineLength> LEN(@InString) return @InString declare @tmp varchar(max) declare @result varchar(max) DECLARE @word varchar (max); declare @addedInResult bit DECLARE c CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT s FROM SplitMax(@InString,''); OPEN c; FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @word; --set @tmp [email protected] WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN if LEN(@tmp + ' ' + @word) < @LineLength begin set @tmp = @tmp + ' ' + @word set @addedInResult = 0 end else begin set @result = isnull(@result, ' ') + CHAR(13) + RTRIM(LTRIM( @tmp)) set @tmp = @word set @addedInResult = 1 end FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @word; if @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0 begin set @result = isnull(@result, ' ') + CHAR(13) + RTRIM(LTRIM( @tmp)) set @addedInResult = 1 end END CLOSE c; DEALLOCATE c; if @addedInResult=0 begin set @result = isnull(@result, ' ') + CHAR(13) + RTRIM(LTRIM( @tmp)) end return @result END
プレ>機能 2
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_WrapString] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @InString varchar(max), @LineLength int ) RETURNS nvarchar(max) AS BEGIN declare @result varchar(max) declare @tmp varchar(max) DECLARE @Line varchar (max); DECLARE c CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT s FROM SplitMax(@InString,CHAR(13)); OPEN c; FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @Line; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN set @tmp = dbo.fn_BraekTextInLines(@Line,@LineLength) set @result = isnull(@result,' ') + @tmp FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @Line; END CLOSE c; DEALLOCATE c; return Rtrim(Ltrim(@result)) END
プレ>機能 3
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitMax](@String VARCHAR(max), @Delimiter CHAR(1)) RETURNS @temptable TABLE (s VARCHAR(max)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @idx INT DECLARE @slice VARCHAR(max) SELECT @idx = 1 IF len(@String)<1 OR @String IS NULL RETURN while @idx!= 0 BEGIN SET @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@String) IF @idx!=0 SET @slice = LEFT(@String,@idx - 1) ELSE SET @slice = @String IF(len(@slice)>0) INSERT INTO @temptable(s) VALUES(@slice) SET @String = RIGHT(@String,len(@String) - @idx) IF len(@String) = 0 break END RETURN END
プレ>関数 fn_WrapString を呼び出してテキストをラップする
declare @name varchar(max) set @name = 'Ine was King of Wessex from 688 to 726. He was'+ CHAR(13) +'unable to retain the territorial gains of his predecessor, Cædwalla, who had brought much of southern England under his' print dbo.fn_WrapString(@name,60)
Ine was King of Wessex from 688 to 726. He was unable to retain the territorial gains of his predecessor, Cædwalla, who had brought much of southern England under his