sql >> データベース >  >> RDS >> PostgreSQL



    # list all virtualenvs in your anaconda folder
    $ conda info –envs          # this will list all virtualenvs created by you, you can then choose the specific virtualenv here.
    # to activate the virtualenv of your interest
    $ conda activate [virtualenv_name] 
    # export all packages used in the specific virtualenv (conda activated) 
    $ pip freeze > requirements.txt             # save the output file as requirements.txt
    # set up a new conda virtualenv in current or separate machine and install with the requirements.txt
    $ conda create --name <env_name> python=3.6.5 --file requirements.txt  
    # Please note that occasionally you may need to check requirements.txt if there is any abnormal list of packages. The format should be in either [package==version] or [package].


    # copy exactly same virtualenv on separate machine
    # export all packages used in the specific virtualenv (conda activated), including current python version and virtualenv name
    $ conda env export > environment.yml        # save the output file as environment.yml    
    # set up a new conda virtualenv in current or separate machine and install with the requirements.txt 
    $ conda env create -f environment.yml       # using Conda; to modify “name” in the environment.yml file if to set up own same anaconda/machine

    1. 古いplsqlを元に戻す方法は?

    2. データベース''へのユーザー''@'localhost'のmysqlアクセスが拒否されました

    3. Oracle11gレポートとフォームのプロパティ一括更新

    4. mysqlは複数行のクエリ結果をテーブルに挿入します