更新: MongoDB v4.1.11から、問題の優れた解決策がついに登場しました。これは、に文書化されています。ここ 。
内では機能しません 今のところ。オープンな
クライアント側でそのトピックを解決したくない、または解決できない場合は、$ファセット (MongoDB> =v3.4が必要です)-特に高速でも過度にきれいでもありませんが、始めるのに役立つかもしれません。
$facet: { // create two stages that will be processed using the full input data set from the "captions" collection
"CallToActionYes": [{ // the first stage will...
$match: { // only contain documents...
"plainText": /leave\sa\scomment/i // that are allowed by the $regex filter (which could be extended with multiple $or expressions or changed to $in/$nin which accept regular expressions, too)
}, {
$addFields: { // for all matching documents...
"CallToAction": "Yes" // we create a new field called "CallsToAction" which will be set to "Yes"
"CallToActionNo": [{ // similar as above except we're doing the inverse filter using $not
$match: {
"plainText": { $not: /leave\sa\scomment/i }
}, {
$addFields: {
"CallToAction": "No" // and, of course, we set the field to "No"
}, {
$project: { // we got two arrays of result documents out of the previous stage
"allDocuments" : { $setUnion: [ "$CallToActionYes", "$CallToActionNo" ] } // so let's merge them into a single one called "allDocuments"
}, {
$unwind: "$allDocuments" // flatten the "allDocuments" result array
}, {
$replaceRoot: { // restore the original document structure by moving everything inside "allDocuments" up to the top
newRoot: "$allDocuments"
}, {
$project: { // include only the two relevant fields in the output (and the _id)
"videoId": 1,
"CallToAction": 1