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    それでは、MODELを解き放ちましょう この問題に関する条項(謎を超えるのはその力だけであるデバイス):

    with data as (
      select date'2012-01-01' as mm,    800 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-02-01' as mm,   1900 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-03-01' as mm,   1750 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-04-01' as mm, -20000 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-05-01' as mm,    900 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-06-01' as mm,   3900 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-07-01' as mm,  -2600 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-08-01' as mm,  -2600 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-09-01' as mm,   2100 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-10-01' as mm,  -2400 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-11-01' as mm,   1100 as a from dual union all
      select date'2012-12-01' as mm,   1300 as a from dual
    select mm, a, b
    from (
      -- Add a dummy value for b, making it available to the MODEL clause
      select mm, a, 0 b
      from data
          -- Generate a ROW_NUMBER() dimension, in order to access rows by RN
    model dimension by (row_number() over (order by mm) rn)
          -- Spreadsheet values / measures involved in calculations are mm, a, b
          measures (mm, a, b)
          -- A single rule will do. Any value of B should be calculated according to
          -- GREATEST([previous value of B] + [current value of A], 0)
          rules (
            b[any] = greatest(nvl(b[cv(rn) - 1], 0) + a[cv(rn)], 0)


    MM              A     B
    01.01.2012    800   800
    01.02.2012   1900  2700
    01.03.2012   1750  4450
    01.04.2012 -20000     0
    01.05.2012    900   900
    01.06.2012   3900  4800
    01.07.2012  -2600  2200
    01.08.2012  -2600     0
    01.09.2012   2100  2100
    01.10.2012  -2400     0
    01.11.2012   1100  1100
    01.12.2012   1300  2400

    1. SQLトレースと拡張イベントの「オブザーバーオーバーヘッド」の測定

    2. SELECTリストがGROUPBY句に含まれておらず、集計されていない列が含まれています.... sql_mode=only_full_group_byと互換性がありません

    3. SQLiteデータベースとの間でバイト配列(画像データ)を保存および取得するにはどうすればよいですか?