SELECT a.folderid, a.foldername, a.contenttype,
(CASE a.contenttype
WHEN 'file' THEN b.descriptor
WHEN 'link' THEN c.descriptor
WHEN 'extfile' THEN d.descriptor
WHEN 'video' THEN e.descriptor
ELSE f.descriptor
END CASE) AS descriptor
FROM t_folders a
LEFT JOIN t_files b ON a.contenttype = 'file' AND a.contentid = b.fileid
LEFT JOIN t_links c ON a.contenttype = 'link' AND a.contentid = c.linkid
LEFT JOIN t_extfiles d ON a.contenttype = 'extfile' AND a.contentid = d.extfileid
LEFT JOIN t_videos e ON a.contenttype = 'video' AND a.contentid = e.videoid
LEFT JOIN t_exams f ON a.contenttype = 'exam' AND a.contentid = f.examid
WHERE a.folderid = $folderId
ORDER BY a.folderid DESC