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    NVARCHARデータをUTF-8表現のバイトに変換するには、UDFを作成する必要があります。それがdbo.NCharToUTF8Binaryと呼ばれているとしましょう その後、次のことができます:

    hashbytes('md5', dbo.NCharToUTF8Binary(N'abc', 1))


    create function dbo.NCharToUTF8Binary(@txt NVARCHAR(max), @modified bit)
    returns varbinary(max)
    -- Note: This is not the fastest possible routine. 
    -- If you want a fast routine, use SQLCLR
        set @modified = isnull(@modified, 0)
        -- First shred into a table.
        declare @chars table (
        ix int identity primary key,
        codepoint int,
        utf8 varbinary(6)
        declare @ix int
        set @ix = 0
        while @ix < datalength(@txt)/2  -- trailing spaces
            set @ix = @ix + 1
            insert @chars(codepoint)
            select unicode(substring(@txt, @ix, 1))
        -- Now look for surrogate pairs.
        -- If we find a pair (lead followed by trail) we will pair them
        -- High surrogate is \uD800 to \uDBFF
        -- Low surrogate  is \uDC00 to \uDFFF
        -- Look for high surrogate followed by low surrogate and update the codepoint   
        update c1 set codepoint = ((c1.codepoint & 0x07ff) * 0x0800) + (c2.codepoint & 0x07ff) + 0x10000
        from @chars c1 inner join @chars c2 on c1.ix = c2.ix -1
        where c1.codepoint >= 0xD800 and c1.codepoint <=0xDBFF
        and c2.codepoint >= 0xDC00 and c2.codepoint <=0xDFFF
        -- Get rid of the trailing half of the pair where found
        delete c2 
        from @chars c1 inner join @chars c2 on c1.ix = c2.ix -1
        where c1.codepoint >= 0x10000
        -- Now we utf-8 encode each codepoint.
        -- Lone surrogate halves will still be here
        -- so they will be encoded as if they were not surrogate pairs.
        update c 
        set utf8 = 
        -- One-byte encodings (modified UTF8 outputs zero as a two-byte encoding)
        when codepoint <= 0x7f and (@modified = 0 OR codepoint <> 0)
        then cast(substring(cast(codepoint as binary(4)), 4, 1) as varbinary(6))
        -- Two-byte encodings
        when codepoint <= 0x07ff
        then substring(cast((0x00C0 + ((codepoint/0x40) & 0x1f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        + substring(cast((0x0080 + (codepoint & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        -- Three-byte encodings
        when codepoint <= 0x0ffff
        then substring(cast((0x00E0 + ((codepoint/0x1000) & 0x0f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        + substring(cast((0x0080 + ((codepoint/0x40) & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        + substring(cast((0x0080 + (codepoint & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        -- Four-byte encodings 
        when codepoint <= 0x1FFFFF
        then substring(cast((0x00F0 + ((codepoint/0x00040000) & 0x07)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        + substring(cast((0x0080 + ((codepoint/0x1000) & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        + substring(cast((0x0080 + ((codepoint/0x40) & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        + substring(cast((0x0080 + (codepoint & 0x3f)) as binary(4)),4,1)
        from @chars c
        -- Finally concatenate them all and return.
        declare @ret varbinary(max)
        set @ret = cast('' as varbinary(max))
        select @ret = @ret + utf8 from @chars c order by ix
        return  @ret

    1. Sind()がPostgreSQLでどのように機能するか

    2. インデックスはデータベースのパフォーマンスにどのように影響しますか?

    3. MySQLでは、数字を引用する必要がありますか?

    4. OracleでCoalesce関数を使用する方法