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    レプリケーションは、MS SQL Serverで最も古いテクノロジの1つであり、すべてのデータベース管理者に愛されています。これは、特に分散レポートの場合に、データをユーザーに近づけるための優れた信頼性の高いテクノロジーです。そのおかげで、データベースの可用性は複数のSQLServerとリージョンにわたって向上します。







    SQLレプリケーションを設定および構成すると、レプリケーションエージェントと呼ばれるスタンドアロン関数とSQLエージェントジョブのセットも作成されます。彼らの目標は、テーブルの移動に関連するタスクを実行することです。これは、記事とも呼ばれます。 パブリッシャーからのレプリケーション構成 サブスクライバー/秒 。コマンドラインから、およびレプリケーション管理オブジェクト(RMO)を使用するアプリケーションによってレプリケーションエージェントを実行できます。

    SQL Serverレプリケーションエージェントは、ReplicationMonitorおよびSQLServerManagementStudioを介して監視および管理できます。





    declare @time time 
    set @time = dateadd(n,-30,getdate()) 
    declare @date date 
    set @date = convert(date,getdate()) 
    declare @publisher varchar(100) 
    set @publisher = @@SERVERNAME
    SELECT LEFT(name,50) as [JobName], run_date AS [RunDate], run_time AS [RunTime], LEFT([message],50) AS [Message] 
    (select distinct b.name,a.run_date, run_time, message 
    from msdb..sysjobhistory a inner join msdb..sysjobs b on a.job_id = b.job_id where b.name like 'servername here%' and run_status <> 1 and message like '%error%' 
    and convert(date,convert(varchar,a.run_date ))= convert(date,getutcdate()) replace(convert(varchar(8),dateadd(n,-30,getutcdate())),':','') ) a 



    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail 
    @profile_name = 'DBA Alerts', 
    @recipients = 'your dba team email here', 
    @subject = '[Database name] Replication Jobs Failure', 
    @query = 'SELECT LEFT(name,50) as [JobName], run_date AS [RunDate], run_time AS [RunTime], LEFT([message],50) AS [Message] 
    (select distinct b.name, a.run_date, a.run_time, message 
    from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory a inner join msdb.dbo.sysjobs b on a.job_id = b.job_id 
    where b.name like ''servername here %'' and 
    convert(date,convert(varchar,a.run_date)) = convert(date,getutcdate()) ) a 
    @attach_query_result_as_file = 0 ; 


    msrepl_commandsを監視するには 表では、以下に提供されているもう1つのスクリプトを使用できます。このテーブルは大きくなりすぎ、速くなりすぎることに注意してください。その場合、レプリケーションエージェントジョブが失敗するか、レプリケーション構成に問題がある可能性があります。


    use distribution 
    SELECT Getdate() AS CaptureTime, LEFT(Object_name(t.object_id),20) AS TableName, st.row_count 
    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats st WITH (nolock) 
    INNER JOIN sys.tables t WITH (nolock) ON st.object_id = t.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas s WITH (nolock) ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id WHERE index_id < 2 AND Object_name(t.object_id) 
    IN ('MSsubscriptions', 'MSdistribution_history', 'MSrepl_commands', 'MSrepl_transactions') 
    ORDER BY st.row_count DESC

    msrepl_commands テーブルの増加傾向は、レプリケーションの待機時間がどれほど健全であるかについてのヒントも提供します。影響には多くの要因があります。ご使用の環境がクラウド内にある場合、リージョンの選択がレプリケーションのレイテンシーに大きく影響する可能性があります。

    C レプリケーションに関する簡単なレポートを作成し、メールで送信する


    Declare @Publisher sysname, @PublisherDB sysname 
    -- Set Publisher server and database name 
    Set @Publisher = 'publication server name'; 
    Set @PublisherDB = 'publishing database name'; 
    -- Refresh replication monitor data 
    USE [distribution] 
    Exec sys.sp_replmonitorrefreshjob @iterations = 1; 
    With MaxXact (ServerName, PublisherDBID, XactSeqNo) 
    As (Select S.name, DA.publisher_database_id, max(H.xact_seqno) From dbo.MSdistribution_history H with(nolock) 
    Inner Join dbo.MSdistribution_agents DA with(nolock) On DA.id = H.agent_id 
    Inner Join master.sys.servers S with(nolock) On S.server_id = DA.subscriber_id 
    Where DA.publisher_db = @PublisherDB 
    Group By S.name, DA.publisher_database_id), OldestXact (ServerName, OldestEntryTime) 
    As (Select MX.ServerName, Min(entry_time) 
    From dbo.msrepl_transactions T with(nolock) 
    Inner Join MaxXact MX On MX.XactSeqNo < T.xact_seqno And 
    MX.PublisherDBID = T.publisher_database_id 
    Group By MX.ServerName) 
    Select [Replication Status] = Case MD.status 
    When 1 Then 'Started' 
    When 2 Then 'Succeeded' 
    When 3 Then 'In progress' 
    When 4 Then 'Idle' 
    When 5 Then 'Retrying' 
    When 6 Then 'Failed' 
    Subscriber = SubString(MD.agent_name, Len(MD.publisher) + 
    Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 4, 
    Charindex('-', MD.agent_name, 
    Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + 
    Len(MD.publication) + 5) - 
    (Len(MD.publisher) + 
    Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 4)), 
    [Subscriber DB] = A.subscriber_db, 
    [Publisher DB] = MD.publisher_db, 
    Publisher = MD.publisher, 
    [Current Latency (sec)] = MD.cur_latency,
    [Current Latency (hh:mm:ss)] = Right('00' + Cast(MD.cur_latency/3600 As varchar), 2) + 
    ':' + Right('00' + 
    Cast((MD.cur_latency%3600)/60 As varchar), 2) + 
    ':' + Right('00' + 
    Cast(MD.cur_latency%60 As varchar), 2), 
    [Latency Threshold (min)] = Cast(T.value As Int), 
    [Agent Last Stopped (sec)] = DateDiff(hour, agentstoptime, getdate()) - 1, 
    [Agent Last Sync] = MD.last_distsync, 
    [Last Entry TimeStamp] = OX.OldestEntryTime 
    From dbo.MSreplication_monitordata MD with(nolock) 
    Inner Join dbo.MSdistribution_agents A with(nolock) On A.id = MD.agent_id Inner Join dbo.MSpublicationthresholds T with(nolock) On T.publication_id = MD.publication_id And T.metric_id = 2 -- Latency 
    Inner Join OldestXact OX On OX.ServerName = SubString(MD.agent_name, Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + 
    Len(MD.publication) + 4, 
    Charindex('-', MD.agent_name, 
    Len(MD.publisher) + Len(MD.publisher_db) + 
    Len(MD.publication) + 5) - 
    (Len(MD.publisher) + 
    Len(MD.publisher_db) + Len(MD.publication) + 4)) 
    Where MD.publisher = @Publisher 
    And MD.publisher_db = @PublisherDB 
    And MD.publication_type = 0 -- 0 = Transactional publication And MD.agent_type = 3; -- 3 = distribution agent 
    IF (@@ROWCOUNT > 500) 
    -- send alerts here.. 500 rows of undistributed transactions , should be higher. run this on remote distributor 
    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail 
    @profile_name = 'DBA Alert', 
    @recipients = 'your dba team email here', 
    @body = 'This is replication latency alert. Check undistributed transactions query.', 
    @subject = 'Replication Latency Alert' ; 
    PRINT 'Alert here!' --since email is not yet working 

    Q 記事リストを使用して、サブスクライバーの状態を確認します


    SELECT DISTINCT LEFT(srv.srvname,50) AS publication_server 
    , LEFT(a.publisher_db, 50) AS publisher_db 
    , LEFT(p.publication,25) AS publication_name
    , LEFT(a.article, 50) AS [article] 
    , LEFT(a.destination_object,50) AS destination_object 
    , LEFT(ss.srvname,25) AS subscription_server 
    , LEFT(s.subscriber_db,25) AS subscriber_db 
    , LEFT(da.name,50) AS distribution_agent_job_name 
    FROM distribution..MSArticles a 
    JOIN distribution..MSpublications p ON a.publication_id = p.publication_id JOIN distribution..MSsubscriptions s ON p.publication_id = s.publication_id JOIN master..sysservers ss ON s.subscriber_id = ss.srvid 
    JOIN master..sysservers srv ON srv.srvid = p.publisher_id 
    JOIN distribution..MSdistribution_agents da ON da.publisher_id = p.publisher_id AND da.subscriber_id = s.subscriber_id 
    ORDER BY 1,2,3 



    この表から、レポートの概要を作成してdbaチームに配布できます 。このテーブルは、標準のデータベース管理者の朝のヘルスチェックとは別に、毎日のレプリケーションヘルスチェックの一部として毎日更新できます。

    USE [distribution] 
    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#ReplStats') IS NOT NULL 
    DROP TABLE #ReplStats 
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#ReplStats] ( 
    [DistributionAgentName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL 
    ,[DistributionAgentStartTime] [datetime] NOT NULL 
    ,[DistributionAgentRunningDurationInSeconds] [int] NOT NULL ,[IsAgentRunning] [bit] NULL 
    ,[ReplicationStatus] [varchar](14) NULL 
    ,[LastSynchronized] [datetime] NOT NULL 
    ,[Comments] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL 
    ,[Publisher] [sysname] NOT NULL 
    ,[PublicationName] [sysname] NOT NULL 
    ,[PublisherDB] [sysname] NOT NULL 
    ,[Subscriber] [nvarchar](128) NULL 
    ,[SubscriberDB] [sysname] NULL 
    ,[SubscriptionType] [varchar](64) NULL 
    ,[DistributionDB] [sysname] NULL 
    ,[Article] [sysname] NOT NULL 
    ,[UndelivCmdsInDistDB] [int] NULL 
    ,[DelivCmdsInDistDB] [int] NULL 
    ,[CurrentSessionDeliveryRate] [float] NOT NULL 
    ,[CurrentSessionDeliveryLatency] [int] NOT NULL 
    ,[TotalTransactionsDeliveredInCurrentSession] [int] NOT NULL
    ,[TotalCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession] [int] NOT NULL ,[AverageCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession] [int] NOT NULL ,[DeliveryRate] [float] NOT NULL 
    ,[DeliveryLatency] [int] NOT NULL 
    ,[TotalCommandsDeliveredSinceSubscriptionSetup] [int] NOT NULL ,[SequenceNumber] [varbinary](16) NULL 
    ,[LastDistributerSync] [datetime] NULL 
    ,[Retention] [int] NULL 
    ,[WorstLatency] [int] NULL 
    ,[BestLatency] [int] NULL 
    ,[AverageLatency] [int] NULL 
    ,[CurrentLatency] [int] NULL 
    ) ON [PRIMARY] 
    INSERT INTO #ReplStats 
    SELECT da.[name] AS [DistributionAgentName] 
    ,dh.[start_time] AS [DistributionAgentStartTime] 
    ,dh.[duration] AS [DistributionAgentRunningDurationInSeconds] ,md.[isagentrunningnow] AS [IsAgentRunning] 
    ,CASE md.[status] 
    WHEN 1 
    THEN '1 - Started' 
    WHEN 2 
    THEN '2 - Succeeded' 
    WHEN 3 
    THEN '3 - InProgress' 
    WHEN 4 
    THEN '4 - Idle' 
    WHEN 5 
    THEN '5 - Retrying' 
    WHEN 6 
    THEN '6 - Failed' 
    END AS [ReplicationStatus] 
    ,dh.[time] AS [LastSynchronized] 
    ,dh.[comments] AS [Comments] 
    ,md.[publisher] AS [Publisher] 
    ,da.[publication] AS [PublicationName] 
    ,da.[publisher_db] AS [PublisherDB] 
    WHEN da.[anonymous_subid] IS NOT NULL 
    THEN UPPER(da.[subscriber_name]) 
    ELSE UPPER(s.[name]) 
    END AS [Subscriber] 
    ,da.[subscriber_db] AS [SubscriberDB] 
    ,CASE da.[subscription_type] 
    WHEN '0' 
    THEN 'Push' 
    WHEN '1' 
    THEN 'Pull'
    WHEN '2' 
    THEN 'Anonymous' 
    ELSE CAST(da.[subscription_type] AS [varchar](64)) 
    END AS [SubscriptionType] 
    ,md.[distdb] AS [DistributionDB] 
    ,ma.[article] AS [Article] 
    ,dh.[current_delivery_rate] AS [CurrentSessionDeliveryRate] ,dh.[current_delivery_latency] AS [CurrentSessionDeliveryLatency] ,dh.[delivered_transactions] AS 
    ,dh.[delivered_commands] AS [TotalCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession] ,dh.[average_commands] AS [AverageCommandsDeliveredInCurrentSession] ,dh.[delivery_rate] AS [DeliveryRate] 
    ,dh.[delivery_latency] AS [DeliveryLatency] 
    ,dh.[total_delivered_commands] AS 
    ,dh.[xact_seqno] AS [SequenceNumber] 
    ,md.[last_distsync] AS [LastDistributerSync] 
    ,md.[retention] AS [Retention] 
    ,md.[worst_latency] AS [WorstLatency] 
    ,md.[best_latency] AS [BestLatency] 
    ,md.[avg_latency] AS [AverageLatency] 
    ,md.[cur_latency] AS [CurrentLatency] 
    FROM [distribution]..[MSdistribution_status] ds 
    INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSdistribution_agents] da ON da.[id] = ds.[agent_id] 
    INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSArticles] ma ON ma.publisher_id = da.publisher_id 
    AND ma.[article_id] = ds.[article_id] 
    INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSreplication_monitordata] md ON [md].[job_id] = da.[job_id] 
    INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSdistribution_history] dh ON [dh].[agent_id] = md.[agent_id] 
    AND md.[agent_type] = 3 
    INNER JOIN [master].[sys].[servers] s ON s.[server_id] = da.[subscriber_id] 
    --Created WHEN your publication has the immediate_sync property set to true. This property dictates 
    --whether snapshot is available all the time for new subscriptions to be initialized. 
    --This affects the cleanup behavior of transactional replication. If this property is set to true, 
    --the transactions will be retained for max retention period instead of it getting cleaned up 
    --as soon as all the subscriptions got the change. 
    WHERE da.[subscriber_db] <> 'virtual' 
    AND da.[anonymous_subid] IS NULL
    AND dh.[start_time] = ( 
    SELECT TOP 1 start_time 
    FROM [distribution]..[MSdistribution_history] a 
    INNER JOIN [distribution]..[MSdistribution_agents] b ON a.[agent_id] = b.[id] 
    AND b.[subscriber_db] <> 'virtual' 
    WHERE [runstatus] <> 1 
    ORDER BY [start_time] DESC 
    AND dh.[runstatus] <> 1 
    SELECT 'Transactional Replication Summary' AS [Comments]; 
    SELECT [DistributionAgentName] 
    ,SUM([UndelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [UndelivCmdsInDistDB] 
    ,SUM([DelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [DelivCmdsInDistDB] 
    FROM #ReplStats 
    GROUP BY [DistributionAgentName] 
    SELECT 'Transactional Replication Summary Details' AS [Comments]; 
    SELECT [Publisher] 
    ,SUM([UndelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [UndelivCmdsInDistDB] ,SUM([DelivCmdsInDistDB]) AS [DelivCmdsInDistDB] 
    FROM #ReplStats 
    GROUP BY [Publisher] 




    1. ワークフローパターンを使用して任意のエンティティの状態を管理する

    2. 2020年の計画でデータベース監視を優先する必要がある4つの理由

    3. OracleのSIGN()関数

    4. 回避策:クラスター化された列ストアインデックスを持つテーブルではカーソルはサポートされていません